The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1138 Rao Shichen thought deeply

Chapter 1138 Rao Shichen thought about it

Lou Jianian felt that he had been so busy these two days that he didn't even have time to go to the hospital.

Fortunately, she is the founder behind the hospital, otherwise someone like her might have been fired by the hospital long ago.

Of course, she has already taken over Lou's, and she may not have time to take care of the hospital in the future, so she plans to hand over the hospital to Xue Gang to manage it.

Just as she was thinking about it, the man suddenly turned around, and she looked up, and saw the man had deep eyebrows, and when he stared at her, there was obvious deep thought in the hazel pupils.

"What's wrong?" She was a little puzzled.

At this moment, the man suddenly reached out and took her body into his arms, and rubbed her small head with his palm, "You are busier than me, Mr. Lou."

Hearing this, she sighed and said, "I just took over Lou's, so I have to make some achievements. I'm sure I've been busy during this time, and I still have documents to read."

The man frowned slightly, "Do you still have to work overtime at night?"

"En." Lou Jianian's voice was full of exhaustion.

From morning till now, she has been spinning like a spinning top, and she even settles for lunch casually.

The man was silent for a while, "Can't you get off work earlier?"

"I'm afraid it won't work today." Lou Jianian looked at the time as he said, and after thinking about it, he said, "It's almost five o'clock, why don't you go back first."

"No, I'll stay with you."

Lou Jianian shook her head, "No, I think I'll be busy until nine o'clock tonight."

"Then take the file back?"

"No." Lou Jianian knew that if he took the documents back, he would just be unable to concentrate on his work in the end, and that would delay him even more.

The man thought for a while, "Then let's work overtime together."

Lou Jianian: "."

In this way, the two worked overtime together in the company.

Only when it was meal time did the two of them put down their work.

Of course, because they were busy with work, they ordered takeaway for dinner. After eating, the two of them went back to work again.

With the help of a man, the efficiency can be considered very fast.

I thought the work would be finished at nine o'clock in the evening, but it was finished at eight o'clock.

After the work was finished, the two left together.

On the way back to Xiyuan, Lou Jianian saw a milk tea shop by the side of the road, so he asked Rao Shichen to stop.

She opened the car door and got out of the car, ran into the milk tea shop, bought a cup of milk tea and a donut.

When she finished shopping and got in the car, the man saw the milk tea and donuts in her hand, and couldn't help frowning slightly, "You like these?"

"?" Lou Jianian thought it was a strange question, "Don't all girls like these?"

Rao Shichen was silent.

The car was parked on the side of the road, the street lights were cast down, the windows were lowered halfway, and the wind was blowing. Not far away was the square. From this angle, one could see the fountain and pool over there, as well as the pedestrians coming and going.

Lou Jianian bit the straw and took a sip of the milk tea, with a look of satisfaction on his brows.

After a tiring day of work, she was rarely relaxed, so she leaned back on the seat and sighed comfortably.

After taking a sip of the milk tea, she took out the donut again and took a bite.

In the driver's seat, Rao Shichen saw her taking a sip of milk tea and a donut, and couldn't help but ask, "Is it delicious?"

"Not bad." Lou Jianian took another bite of the donut, "Eating some sweets once in a while is good for your health."

Rao Shichen thought for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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