Chapter 1140 Feels Unreal
Mrs. Liang was wearing silk pajamas, and her skin was so fair that she couldn't tell that she was nearly fifty years old.

When she opened the door, she raised her eyes and saw the tall figure on the balcony.

In the next second, she closed the door and walked to the terrace.

Just as she approached, Liang Feimo's ears heard the sound sensitively.He didn't turn around, just shook the wine in his hand lightly.

"Son, why aren't you asleep yet?"

"not sleepy."

Mrs. Liang rolled her eyes, and suddenly sighed in a low voice, and said, "Son, shall we talk?"

"What are you talking about?" Liang Feimo's voice was as cold as usual.

Mrs. Liang stepped up to the rattan chair and sat down, intertwined her hands, and after deliberating for a while, said: "Your grandfather is 70, and he is not in good health now, son, you are old and not young, it's time to think about personal issues .”

Following her words, there was silence on the terrace.

At the railing, Liang Feimo didn't give any response.

Mrs. Liang frowned slightly, hesitated for a moment, and finally continued: "Son, even if you find me annoying, I must say that your father left early. At that time, you were still young, and the entire Liang family depended on your grandpa. Supported by one person, your grandfather has lived a very hard life. Mom is a useless person who doesn't understand anything. Mom only hopes that you can be successful. Now it's all right, you're promising

Speaking of this, she suddenly sighed, "The company has indeed developed very well since you took over, son, mom is proud of you, but after all, mom is almost 50 years old, sooner or later, mom will Leave, if one day mother really leaves, only son and you are left in this family, mother doesn't want that."

Liang Feimo's eyes narrowed slightly, his thin lips were tightly pursed, and when his slender hand held the wine glass, his fingertips unnaturally stroked up and down.

The atmosphere was a little dignified for a while.

Mrs. Liang thought for a while, clenched her little hands tightly, and a firm light appeared in her eyes.In the next second, she suddenly stood up, walked to the railing, and said, "Son, mom wants you to get married and a wife, and it's best to have a baby. Mom knows you don't want to, but today if you If you don’t agree, Mom will jump from here.”

The son is already 28 years old. If she has never been in the mood to get married, then what is the difference between her early death and her late death?
Liang Feimo's dark eyes swept towards Mrs. Liang, and there was deep thought that was difficult to explore in his eyes.

"Son, do you agree or not?" Mrs. Liang was determined to get a definite answer.

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, his face was paralyzed, "Can I marry anyone?"

"?" Mrs. Liang did not expect to get such a reply.

Wait a minute, what does this mean?
Mrs. Liang was pleasantly surprised, and of course it was even more unbelievable.She rolled her eyes, but her brain reacted quickly, and immediately asked: "Son, who do you want to marry?"

Liang Feimo withdrew his gaze, looked at the stars in the night sky with his eyes, his face seemed to be filled with an indescribable tenderness, "Rao Shixin."

Mrs. Liang: "!!!"

Did she hear it right?

Son said he wanted to marry Rao Shixin?

Damn, that's her idol!

Probably because the surprise came too suddenly, Mrs. Liang felt a little unreal.

"Son, are you kidding me?"

Liang Feimo was silent for a moment, "Am I a joker?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang choked.

Not to mention, it's true, if her son with facial paralysis knows how to joke, it will snow in June.

So, what the son just said is true?

  Today's update is over, bug catching started, and those who found typos were commenting on Didi me, and Mr. Liang is going to return to Rao Shixin from now on, let's see how Mr. Liang behaves!

(End of this chapter)

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