The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1142 Is This Ancestor Apparition?

Chapter 1142 Is This Ancestor Apparition?
Liang Feimo was silent for a while, then closed the newspaper, then picked up the milk on the table, took a sip, and said, "I didn't lie to you, you will know in a month."


a month later?
Mrs. Liang was a little confused, "What do you mean?"

Liang Feimo put down the milk glass, took the napkin in front of the table and wiped the corners of his mouth, then stood up gracefully, "I'm chasing her."

After finishing speaking, he turned around, and before walking away, he dropped the last sentence again, "She will be my girlfriend in a month."

Mrs. Liang: "!!!"

It wasn't until Liang Feimo's figure disappeared that Mrs. Liang realized it belatedly.

Mrs. Liang went from surprise to surprise, and then to joy!

Fuck! Fuck!

Is the son here for real this time?

Is this the ancestor's manifestation?
My son finally got the hang of it!

Madam Liang was so excited that she stood up and danced in circles.

In front of the gate of the Liang family, there was a Continental parked.

Wen Salamander was already waiting by the side.

Liang Feimo, who came down the steps, walked to the front of the car with long legs, but stopped suddenly.

In the next second, he glanced at the people in front of the car and ordered, "Buy a box of chocolates and send them to the crew."

Wen Xi paused, "Is Liang always going to send Miss Rao?"

"En." Before Liang Feimo was about to enter the car, he ordered again, "The gift should be dressed up in pink."

Wen Xi nodded respectfully, "Yes."

He is no stranger to Mr. Liang's operation.

After all, he knew what Mr. Liang was going to do by giving Miss Rao a gift.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Liang would also have a moment of enlightenment, which is really gratifying.

As a secretary, Wen Xi naturally hoped that Mr. Liang would be accompanied by a woman.


A black car pulled up to the door and stopped.

Before getting off the car, Lou Shuyu took out his mobile phone and made a call to Cheng Lin.

The plane at nine o'clock this morning, Cheng Lin will fly to Languo.

Because the crew has her role today, she can't go to the airport to see her off, so she can only chat with Cheng Lin on the phone for a few days.

Soon after the call was dialed out, it was connected.

"Mom, have you gone to the airport yet?"

On the phone, Cheng Lin's response came quickly, "Don't worry, Shuyu, Mom is already waiting at the airport."

Lou Shuyu felt relieved, "That's good, by the way, remember to call me when you arrive in Languo to report that you are safe."

At this point, the airport.

Cheng Lin held the phone with a smile on her face, "Mom will, you don't have to worry too much in China."

"Mom, I have a scene to film today, so I can't go to the airport to see you off. You should be more careful."

"Hey, mom knows, Shuyu, you should film well, mom is waiting for you to win the gold card award."

Lou Shuyu's eyes glowed with confidence, "Of course, I will definitely win the prize."

"Mom knows you can do it!" Cheng Lin smiled.

Just then, it was almost time for registration.

Cheng Lin glanced at the time, followed He Lou Shuyu and said, "Okay, Shuyu, mom is getting ready to board the plane, so I won't talk on the phone for now."

"Well, have a safe trip." Lou Shuyu said his best wishes, and then hung up the phone.

Cheng Lin looked at the darkened phone screen, then put away the phone, and got up to get something.

Beside the seat, Lou Tianyou was sleeping on his side.

"Tianyou, don't sleep, it's time for us to board the plane." Cheng Lin pushed Tianyou, "Hurry up."

Lou Tianyou looked impatient.

"Mom go over there first, and you follow quickly." After Cheng Lin ordered, she walked away.

Lou Tianyou stroked his hair irritably, then got up, put his hands in his pockets, and followed Cheng Lin.

(End of this chapter)

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