The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1147 Feeling Inexplicably Uncomfortable

Chapter 1147 Feeling Inexplicably Uncomfortable
Xiao Ke has finished dressing.Today, he was wearing a purple brocade suit, his black hair was combed up, exposing his forehead, and his face looked refreshing and warm.

The men's and women's changing rooms are also located in this corridor.

Xiao Ke didn't expect to run into Rao Shixin just after changing clothes.

His slender eyes glowed darkly, and he said with a smile: "Shi Xin, today we are going to play against each other again."

Every time there is a scene with each other, his heart will be a little more restless than usual.

Rao Shixin raised her eyebrows slightly, thinking that her role had been cut by Liang's notice, she felt a little unbalanced.

Why should no one delete it, but hers?
Thinking of this, she became more and more depressed. Of course, when facing Xiao Ke, she also felt more and more guilty.

She thought that Xiao Ke was implicated because of her own reasons.

"Xiao Ke, I'm afraid we don't have many rivalry scenes. The higher-ups say they want to delete my role. I don't know if Director Shen has reported this matter to the higher-ups."

Hearing this, Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows and smiled faintly, "I think Director Shen will take care of it, don't worry."

"But, I." Rao Shixin always felt that things were not that simple.

Just when she was about to say something, Shen Qinghuan's loud voice came from outside.

Xiao Ke raised his hand and patted Rao Shixin's head, "Director Shen has called for someone, let's go over there."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin licked his lips, swallowed what he hadn't said just now, and then nodded, "Yeah."

The two left along the corridor like this.

On the set, the staff had already arranged the scene, and Shen Qinghuan also ordered everyone to be in place.

Yang Hui was beside Shen Qinghuan, not knowing what to say.

Not far away, Xia Xi was reading the lines while holding the script.

Rao Shixin stood on the set with his hands folded around his chest, his eyes sweeping around the scene.

After a while, Yang Hui and Shen Qinghuan finished talking, and then ran over.

"Shi Xin, what's going on? I heard that Mr. Liang is going to delete the scene of Princess Qingluo?" Yang Hui has been so busy recently that he didn't know the news until just now.

Hearing this, Rao Shixin pursed his lips, "You heard me right."

"Isn't it?" Yang Hui was obviously incredulous, "Mr. Liang, why is this?"

"Who knows? Maybe he's out of his mind."

"Oh no, haven't Mr. Liang and you been together before? You guys." Halfway through Yang Hui's speech, Rao Shixin's mouth was suddenly covered by Rao Shixin's hand.

Rao Shixin subconsciously looked around and saw that everyone was busy, so he didn't notice this side at all.

For a while, she finally breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, there are a lot of people here, but this is the crew. If someone with a heart hears about it, she will definitely be on the hot search by then.

Although she was not afraid of hot searches at all, she felt inexplicably uncomfortable when she thought that her and Liang Feimo's relationship would be made public.

"Sister Yang, this is the crew, so be careful what you say."

Only then did Yang Hui realize what he had done just now, so he nodded quickly.

As a manager, she has always been sensitive to these things, but she didn't expect that today she would suddenly become overwhelmed, and say what she shouldn't say in a gulp.

Fortunately, the crew is busy, and there is hardly much time to eavesdrop on other people's conversations.

Rao Shixin let go of his hand, and wiped a drop of sweat from his forehead.

At this moment, Xiao Zhang handed over a bottle of energy water, "Sister Shi Xin, drink some water."

(End of this chapter)

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