Chapter 1158 Almost fainted
Liang Feimo cut off the outgoing WeChat call, "Do you believe it now?"

"What on earth do you want to do?" Rao Shixin felt his blood surge, and he had the urge to hit someone.

Fortunately, her reason told her not to do this.

Liang Feimo closed his palms, his body was a little stiff, his thin lips parted slightly, and he said, "I'm chasing you."

"???" Rao Shixin had many question marks.

If it's a joke, honestly, it's not funny at all, and besides, she just finds it creepy.

With his dark eyes, Liang Feimo stretched out his palm, grabbed her wrist, and said forcefully, "Stay with me."

"Damn!" Rao Shixin was really horrified, and shook his little hand, "Liang Feimo, what's the matter with you?"

Liang Feimo watched Rao Shixin pull his hand back, and when some kind of shock appeared on Mingyan's face, his heart sank a little, "I don't want to?"

"You!" Rao Shixin swallowed, "Are you trying to take revenge on me?"

"Revenge?" Liang Feimo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Just because I broke up with you, you are not willing to play me like this again and again?" Rao Shixin thinks the only possibility is this, "Liang Feimo, if I know that you are a man with such a strong desire for revenge, I won't be with you from the beginning, just treat it as my mistake?"

Liang Feimo's sharp eyes added coldness, and his face was paralyzed, "It's too late to apologize now."

"Then what do you want me to do? Only then can you get rid of the hatred in your heart?" Rao Shixin really felt that he shouldn't have provoked this man before, but he didn't expect that many years later, today, he would have to pay for the crime he once committed. It's all because I was too young to pay for my mistakes!

Liang Feimo clenched his palms tightly, and in the next second, he stepped forward with his long legs, and his body approached.

His operation made Rao Shixin back away in fright.

However, seeing Rao Shixin retreat, his face became more and more gloomy, and then he strode forward forcefully, grabbed Rao Shixin's wrist, and pulled him in front of him.

"Hey, Liang Feimo, what are you doing? Let me go!" Rao Shixin was frightened to death, and began to struggle.

At this moment, she fully understood that this man is really not to be provoked. How much she wished that L was not Liang Feimo, but Wen Xie!

Seeing her struggling, Liang Feimo frowned slightly, and his hands tightened, making it impossible for her to break free.

His strength was well controlled, without hurting her, yet making it impossible for her to get rid of it.

"Rao Shixin, listen to me."

"I won't listen, let me go, or I'm going to call for help, I um."

Rao Shixin did not expect that this man had a shameful side.

Before she finished speaking, he directly blocked her lips with his mouth, and when she was about to pull away, he even pressed the back of her head with his palm very cleverly, so that she couldn't move. retreat.

In the entire private room, all sounds were swallowed up at once.

Liang Feimo has been staring at Rao Shixin's lips since just now, they are bright and shiny, even the lipstick is bright red, which makes the skin fairer.

From the moment he entered the private room, he wanted to do this very much.

Outside the window, the sun is getting hotter and brighter.

In the private room, there was a strong ambiguous atmosphere.

After all, Rao Shixin still couldn't resist the man's dominance.

This fiery kiss lasted until she almost fainted.

Finally, the man was willing to let go of her lips.

Her whole body fell into a state of hypoxia, and she could only breathe heavily.

Back then, it was the same with men, who were so tough that she was completely powerless to fight.

(End of this chapter)

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