The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1160 Inexplicable Aggrieved

Chapter 1160 Inexplicable Aggrieved

Indeed, when she was suffering from illness in country M, she realized that there were too many important people and things in life, and love was nothing more than that!
So, after she thought about it, she could calmly hear the name Liang Feimo from now on without causing any disturbance.

However, after she had recovered for so many years, Liang Feimo suddenly appeared in front of her again, conveying a message in both his actions and words - he wanted to chase her!
chasing her?

"Mr. Liang, don't play such low-end games anymore, I don't have time to accompany you." Rao Shixin raised his chin lightly, his words were full of arrogance.

Yes, arrogant, after she figured out the man's behavior, she became calm, so the attitude that belonged to the daughter of a thousand gold in her bones was naturally revealed.

Liang Feimo clenched his fists, and his arms were bruised.He seemed to be restraining something, but after all, he still didn't make any response.

At this point, Rao Shixin also felt that it was a bit boring to continue to stay, so he turned his gaze, stretched out his white hands to the dining table, picked up the sunglasses and mask, then put the sunglasses on, and poured out with his lips: "This meal, just When I treat you, there will be no date later."

After speaking, she stepped forward with her slender legs and was about to walk towards the door.

However, not long after she took a step forward, the man's low voice suddenly swears with inertia and force: "Whether you agree or not, from now on, I will chase you."

Rao Shixin slipped and almost fell!
Fortunately, she had already reached the door at the critical moment, and just reached out to hold the doorknob, and then stabilized her body.

Depend on!
Did this man do it on purpose?
She held the doorknob, decided not to respond, and wanted to open the door and leave, but the man seemed to be doing it on purpose, knowing that she was leaving, so he dropped another sentence.

"You can only be with me!" The man said in an informing tone.

Rao Shixin: "."

Too much!
Why can she only be with him?
She is the sexy and glamorous star Rao Shixin, and the man who chases her can circle around Los Angeles!

Thinking of it this way, a fire almost lit up in her chest.

But soon, an idea flashed through her mind, and in the next second, she snorted softly and said with a smile: "You really want to chase me? Then revoke the episode that deleted my Princess Qingluo, if you are willing." , then I will forcefully trust you."

After speaking, she turned the doorknob, opened the door, and walked away.

In the private room, Liang Feimo's stern face and a pair of dark eyes glowed with a faint light, like a tiger staring at its prey.

Rao Shixin's tall figure and slender legs stepped on black low-heeled shoes, leaving gracefully.

It wasn't until her figure disappeared that Liang Feimo withdrew his eyes, took out his mobile phone, and made a call.

On the other side, Rao Shixin left the hotel and got into the fiery red sports car.

She leaned back against the driver's seat, still thinking about the man's forceful kiss just now.

The next second, she raised her hand and caressed her lips, "Damn it!"

With such good kissing skills, I must have kissed other women in recent years!
Thinking of it this way, she only felt that her entire chest was inexplicably aggrieved.

Then, she quickly pulled off the tissue and wiped her lips vigorously.

Just then, her cell phone rang suddenly.

Seeing that the call was from Shen Qinghuan, she didn't delay, she raised her hand and pressed the answer button, "Director Shen, I'm going back to the set right now, don't worry, I'll definitely be there before 2 o'clock."

"No, Shi Xin, I have good news for you." Shen Qinghuan's voice was full of excitement and joy.

"Huh? What good news?"

"Liang's side informs that there is no need to delete your episodes."

Rao Shixin: "!!!"

isn't it?
Is Liang Feimo for real?

(End of this chapter)

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