The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1164 The two men are full of hostility

Chapter 1164 The two men are full of hostility
"What? So Shi Xin, you had lunch with Mr. Liang?" Shen Qinghuan asked in surprise before he could see.

At this moment, Rao Shixin believed that Liang Feimo did it on purpose.

Xiao Ke paused slightly, his eyes filled with some incomprehensible emotion.

Yang Hui felt incredible.

Originally, she thought that Rao Shixin was going to meet L, that is, Wen Xie at noon, but she didn't expect that the person meeting was actually Liang Feimo.

Wait, so who is that L?

In just a few seconds, she immediately guessed the answer.

Isn't L the initial letter of Liang's surname?

Rao Shixin pretended to be calm, but actually gritted his teeth and responded: "Is there? Mr. Liang is busy with personnel, remember correctly? I have lunch with fans at noon."

"Fan?" Liang Feimo tasted the title, "Well, it turns out to be a fan."

Rao Shixin: "."

Among the people present, only Shen Qinghuan was a little confused.However, this did not prevent him from warmly greeting the benefactor's father in front of him.

"Father, uh, I made a mistake, Mr. Liang, it's rare for you to come to the set in this hot weather. I'll ask someone to make you a cup of tea. How about moistening your throat?"

Liang Feimo responded without expression, "Anything you want."

"Hey, then I'll let someone make tea." Shen Qinghuan hurriedly raised his hand and beckoned someone to come over and give some instructions.

Next, Rao Shixin felt suffocated and panicked.After thinking about it, she simply said: "I'm sorry, Mr. Liang, I have to change my costume first, and there will be scenes to be filmed later, so I'm sorry."

With that, she turned and left.

Shen Qinghuan still wanted to call her to stop, but she walked in very quickly without looking back, as if she was very emotional.


What happened when you came back after going out for a while?

Seeing that Rao Shixin had left, Yang Hui quickly found an excuse and followed him.

After Yang Hui and Rao Shixin left, Liang Feimo, Xiao Ke, and Shen Qinghuan were left in place.

Liang Feimo's dark and cold eyes ignored Xiao Ke, and he was about to walk in with his long legs.

However, at this moment, Xiao Ke suddenly stepped forward and raised his hand to block the way, "Mr. Liang, wait a minute."

Liang Feimo glanced at the arm blocking the way, his jaw tightened, and he looked at his subordinates like a king, "What's the matter?"

"Can I take a step to speak?" There was a smile on Xiao Ke's face, but the smile was clearly out of politeness, not the real meaning.

Shen Qinghuan's eyes widened, for fear that Xiao Ke's words would upset Liang Feimo and withdraw his capital.

Although Xiao Ke is the film king and has a great reputation, he still can't compare to the investment of the sponsor's father!

"Xiao Ke, what are you doing here?"

Liang Feimo gathered his palms together, rubbed his fingertips a few times, and parted his thin lips slightly, "Director Shen."

"Ah? Mr. Liang." Shen Qinghuan heard Liang Feimo calling him, and then asked doglikely: "What are your orders?"

"You go in first." Liang Feimo said.

Shen Qinghuan paused, and quickly realized, nodded and bowed, "Yes, then I will go in first."

After speaking, he stepped in, just wondering.

Mr. Liang and actor Xiao, what are these two people trying to whisper behind his back?
As Shen Qinghuan's figure disappeared, the atmosphere of the scene changed immediately.

There seemed to be a sense of fighting in the air.

Liang Feimo was like a beast, his dark eyes narrowed slightly, and his whole body exuded a cold aura.

Of course, Xiao Ke is no exception.

The smile on his face had long since disappeared, replaced by coldness.

The atmosphere was tense, and the two men were full of hostility.

(End of this chapter)

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