Chapter 1175
"Heh, what does Mr. Liang mean?" Xiao Ke's face was cold.

"Don't let you have any thoughts that you shouldn't have." Liang Feimo said forcefully: "She is my woman!"

"If I read correctly, Mr. Liang was pestering her just now." Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows slightly, "Mr. Liang, do you know what respect is?"

Liang Feimo's thin lips curled slightly, "Since you know what respect is, then respect her from now on and keep a distance from her, after all, she is already my woman."

But in a few simple sentences, Liang Feimo has repeatedly emphasized that Rao Shixin is his woman.

Xiao Ke's face darkened slightly, and there was a hint of coldness in his dark pupils, "Mr. Liang, Shi Xin has the right to choose. She didn't agree to be your girlfriend."

"It's just a matter of morning and evening, what's the difference?" Liang Feimo raised his hand to straighten his collar, with a completely condescending attitude.

Xiao Ke was completely at a disadvantage.

Facing Liang Feimo, he couldn't find any words to fight back fiercely.

Maybe, Liang Feimo is too strong!
"Mr. Liang, I'll just put down one sentence today. Shi Xin didn't choose you, so I have the right to pursue her."

After his words fell, Liang Feimo's face became frosty.

I saw Liang Fei's dark eyes narrowed slightly, "You are not qualified!"

"Whether you are qualified or not is not up to you." For the first time, Xiao Ke felt he had the upper hand, "It's Shi Xin who has the final say."

Liang Feimo's face was as cold as ice in December, but in the next second, his eyebrows were raised slightly, and his expression became more proud, "Then we will wait and see."

Hearing this, Xiao Ke paused.

Soon, Liang Feimo turned around, put one hand in his trouser pocket, and said coldly, "If you lose, stay away from her forever."

Xiao Ke: "."

Just like that, Liang Feimo took a long leg and walked away like a king.

In the entire back garden area, Xiao Ke was the only one left.

I saw his fists clenched tightly, and his slender eyes glowed with the light of what he must win.

the other side.

Rao Shixin returned to the tent with an irritable expression on his face.

Today is simply a bad day for her.

Yang Hui followed in, and asked with a smile, "How is it? Are you really planning to have a candlelight dinner with Mr. Liang tonight?"

Rao Shixin rolled his eyes, "Sister Yang, can you stop making trouble, the devil wants to have dinner with him."

"Um, but didn't you just agree to Mr. Liang?" Yang Hui was taken aback for a moment.

"I lied to him, otherwise how could he let me go?" As soon as Rao Shixin thought of being grabbed by a man in the back garden area just now and being kissed for no reason, she would feel uncomfortable .

Yang Hui clicked his tongue twice, "There's nothing wrong with having dinner with Mr. Liang, you know, some girls are eager to have dinner with Mr. Liang."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin thought of Xia Xi, so he raised his eyebrows slightly, with a smug look in his eyes, "That's true."

Xia Xi was obviously interested in Liang Feimo, and she was finally in a better mood when she managed to get Xia Xi angry in the back garden just now.

Yang Hui picked up the teapot on the side, poured a cup of tea, took a sip, and said, "Actually, Mr. Liang needs status and status, and he is not bad-looking. To be honest, if you really think that he is Not bad, you might as well follow others."

"I'm sorry, Sister Yang, why don't you go and stay with Liang Feimo."

"Hey, cough, cough." Yang Hui choked with fright when he heard this, "Little ancestor, don't talk nonsense, Mr. Liang is looking for you, not me. Besides, Mr. Liang is so cold, I just got closer, and I felt like I might be frozen to death."

(End of this chapter)

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