Chapter 1177 Top Man?

Liang Feimo's palm resting on the armrest slowly closed, rubbing and caressing between his thumb and forefinger, when a pair of dark eyes looked at Rao Shixin, there was an indescribable deep tenderness in his pupils.

At this moment, Shen Qinghuan turned around after finishing talking with the assistant director.He put up a flattering smile on his face and said, "Mr. Liang, it will start soon. When the time comes, I would like to ask Mr. Liang to point out how the actors' acting skills will be."

The so-called advice, Shen Qinghuan just wanted to see if Liang Feimo was satisfied with the actors.

With an investment of 5000 million, he must have acted according to Liang Feimo's face.

There was no emotion in Liang Feimo's eyes, and he responded lightly, "Yes."

"Hey, Mr. Liang, you are busy with your affairs. It is really an honor for everyone to be present to supervise the actors today." Shen Qinghuan continued to say compliments.

But in fact, even he himself couldn't figure it out, this guy who is usually so busy, why did he come to the set on a whim today, and even drove here by himself, without even bringing a secretary.

This is so weird!

Could it be because of Xia Xi?
Don't say it, it's really possible!

Liang Feimo picked up the tea again with his slender hands, and took a sip, "Stop talking nonsense, let's start."

Hearing this, Shen Qinghuan was stunned for a moment, then nodded and bowed, "Yes, Mr. Liang."

After finishing speaking, he quickly turned around, raised his hand and yelled at the staff present, "Hurry up, light photography, and get ready for me quickly."

Following his yelling, the people present did not dare to delay, and accelerated their movements.

Not far away, Rao Shixin's face was a little smelly.

If Yang Hui hadn't reminded her, she really wouldn't have thought of this.

The reason why Liang Feimo stayed here was to stare at her.


Yang Hui lowered his voice, and said quietly: "It seems that Liang always really wants to chase you, or else, you just follow."

"From what?" Rao Shixin gritted his teeth, "Even if I look for someone else, I won't look for him."

Such a cold man, who loves whom?

Yang Hui raised his eyebrows and said in surprise, "Looking for someone else? Who?"

"Anyway, it's not him." Rao Shixin's eye makeup was particularly delicate, and the angry look made the eyes more vivid and beautiful.She snorted and said, "I hook my hands, and I can pick any man at random."

"Don't you, Mr. Liang is still here. If you make trouble on purpose, be careful that Mr. Liang gets angry, and it will be over." Yang Hui knew that Liang Feimo was definitely not easy to mess with, so he advised Rao Shixin dont play with fire.

However, Yang Hui forgot that Rao Shixin always likes to do things the other way around, especially when things don't go her way, so in the next second, you can hear Rao Shixin's playful tone, saying: "I just like Watch him get angry."

Yang Hui: "!!!"

Just after Rao Shixin finished speaking, Xiao Ke appeared not far away.His black hair was combed back, his forehead looked a little plump, and with the makeup on his face, his facial features looked a bit sharp, and the original refined temperament was completely invisible, more of a coldness.

Originally, in the play, Shen Lin, played by Xiao Ke, is the son of the general, so the appearance must match his identity.

Seeing Xiao Ke coming, Rao Shixin rolled his eyes, and then a thought flashed through his mind.

She nudged Yang Hui with her elbow, blinked, and said, "Sister Yang, look, isn't there a top man in this crew?"

"Top man?" Yang Hui followed her gaze, only to realize that the top man she was referring to was actor Xiao.

(End of this chapter)

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