The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1180 What is this situation?

Chapter 1180 What is this situation?
Xiao Ke nodded, "Okay."

"Ah! I didn't bring the script." Rao Shixin was surprised to find that he didn't bring the script at all.

Of course, not having a script is intentional, not really forgotten.

Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows slightly, and his smile deepened, "It's okay, I have it here, we can watch it together."

"That's right." Rao Shixin leaned forward, looked at the script, and slid his fingertips on the book, "Then let's start here."

As she approached, a fresh scent overflowed into her nostrils.

Xiao Ke's mind swayed, his eyes twinkled.

At this moment, Rao Shixin raised his eyes slightly and looked at him, "How is it?"

Xiao Ke was stunned for a moment, and then he came to his senses and said, "Well, let's start here."

So, Rao Shixin nodded, "Then I will go first."

She adjusted her mood and prepared to play.

However, at this moment, there was the sound of calm but sullen footsteps behind him.

She frowned slightly, vaguely feeling that the footsteps sounded familiar.

In fact, her premonition was not wrong.

On the rosewood chair, Liang Feimo got up from the chair at some point, walked towards this side with long legs.

His dark and cold eyes seemed to sink into ice cubes, and his gaze was fixed on Rao Shixin.As he strode forward, a powerful aura swept over him.

Rao Shixin paused, feeling cold for a while.

wipe!Where is the air-conditioning coming from!

Just when doubts flashed through her mind, a tall and tall figure suddenly came in front of her, and her hands were clasped immediately after her.

The warm touch came with a certain familiar breath.

Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, glanced at the palm that was holding his wrist at the moment, followed by looking at the man along the palm, gritted his teeth and said, "What are you doing?"

Following her questioning and struggling, the man's face was very gloomy, and he directly pulled her outside.

"Hey, let go!" Rao Shixin was anxious.

Liang Feimo was like Satan, exuding the breath of hell.

At this moment, his whole face seemed to be covered with a layer of frost, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

Because there was movement here, everyone's eyes were swept over.

When everyone saw that Liang Feimo was holding Rao Shixin's hand and was about to forcefully lead him away, almost all of them widened their eyes.

However, it was precisely because Liang Feimo was the biggest investor in the crew that no one dared to stop him.

Only Xiao Ke.

Just when Liang Feimo was about to take Rao Shixin away, Xiao Ke raised his eyebrows anxiously, and immediately stopped the way, "Mr. Liang, what are you doing?"

"I don't need to report to you what I do, get out of here." Liang Feimo's entire face was extremely terrifying.

Xiao Ke's face darkened, "Mr. Liang, didn't you hear that Shi Xin told you to let go?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo couldn't help but bend over and lift Rao Shixin into the air.

"Ah! Bastard, put me down!" Rao Shixin struggled immediately after being frightened.

At the scene, the staff were stunned.

Shen Qinghuan was completely dumbfounded!
This... What is this situation?
Of course, Yang Hui is no exception.

She was so surprised that she didn't know what to do.

Seeing Liang Feimo hugging Rao Shixin, Xiao Ke's eyebrows became anxious, and he was about to stop him immediately, "Liang Feimo, if you don't let her down, I will be rude to you."

However, Liang Feimo didn't take him seriously at all, and said coldly, "Shen Qinghuan, come here!"

Hearing this, Shen Qinghuan came to his senses and rushed up, "Mr. Liang, what are your orders?"

"The person watching you, don't let him disturb me." The person Liang Feimo was referring to was naturally Xiao Ke.

Therefore, Shen Qinghuan came over and immediately stood in front of Xiao Ke, trying to make Xiao Ke stop blocking Liang Feimo.

Liang Feimo hugged Rao Shixin who was still struggling, and walked away directly!

(End of this chapter)

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