Chapter 1188

Rao Shixin paused, as if he didn't expect him to say that, and his heart throbbed a few times inexplicably.However, soon, she suppressed the strange beating again, pretending to be calm, and mockingly said: "It's as if you didn't do anything to me today."

If she remembers correctly, he has forced her to kiss her twice today!
Liang Feimo understood the meaning of her words, so he said with great interest, "It's just a kiss."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin almost exploded, "What is just a kiss? Liang Feimo, what do you mean? In your opinion, I am a woman who can be kissed casually?"

Liang Feimo was silent for a moment, he didn't expect that these words would cause a great reaction to her, "Otherwise, I will let you kiss me back?"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was so angry that he almost vomited blood!

She raised her hand and beat the man's chest hard, intending to take revenge, but she didn't expect that the chest was so hard, it hurt her hand instead, and she gasped.

Just the next second, her hand was grabbed by the man.The man grabbed her white wrist and checked her hand, "Does it hurt?"

"You want to care?" Rao Shixin gritted his teeth and pulled his hand back.

There seemed to be pity in Liang Feimo's eyes, he looked at her hand and said, "Ice?"

"No need." Rao Shixin raised her eyebrows, "Miss Ben is not so delicate." Then, she turned and walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window, overlooking the scenery, "Why is it still raining!"

With one hand in his trouser pocket, Liang Feimo walked to the window and stood beside her, looking at the majestic rain outside, his heart overflowed with an unprecedented emotion.

The whole office was very quiet, only the sound of rain outside the window fell into my ears.

Enthusiasm filled his eyes, and he glanced at the girl beside him.

The girl pressed her hands against the window, her eyes staring at the scenery below.From this angle, she was wearing a pink ancient costume, and she looked delicate and moving.

His eyes fell on her plain white hands, slender, delicate and pale pink, which moved his mind.

The next second, he raised his hand and pressed the back of her hand with his palm.Following his movements, her body visibly paused, so he directly opened his hands and interlocked his fingers with hers.

Rao Shixin felt a dry and hot feeling on the back of his hand, which directly penetrated into the blood through the skin and spread to the whole body.

She moved her hand a little, but it was clasped even tighter by the man. The back of her hand was completely in close contact with the man's palm, and she felt wrapped in warmth.

The warmth made her pulse beat faster.Then, she heard the man's deep tone——

"In the future, as long as you don't like it, I will change it."

Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, and when he looked up, he happened to bump into the man's dark pupils.Those eyes looked extremely deep, but contained too many thoughts and emotions.

However, she still couldn't see the man's mind through those eyes.

All that flashed through Liang Feimo's mind were the images of her leaving alone and going to country M for medical treatment.

Thinking of her spending countless nights alone in the ward, he felt a faint pain in his chest.

The next second, he couldn't help it, pulled her into his arms, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry."

Rao Shixin raised her eyebrows slightly, she didn't understand why he suddenly hugged her and apologized?
After thinking about it, she thought he was just apologizing for kissing her today, so she said, "Your apology is too late."

Liang Feimo paused.

"Say sorry after kissing, what's the point? But I'm more magnanimous, forget it, I accept your apology, and don't do it again next time." Rao Shixin pushed his embrace away while speaking.

Liang Feimo fell silent.

  Wen Xi: Is it easy for me to be a secretary?

  Lanlan: It's not easy, you have to bear the dog food of Wantun next!

  Wen Salamander:? ? ! ! ! !

(End of this chapter)

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