The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1193 It's as if she's interrogating her!

Chapter 1193 It's as if she's interrogating her!

Rao Shixin's eyelashes fluttered a few times, and his eyes flickered.

There was a strong beating sound from the man's hard chest, and she could feel the beating of her heart.

She felt the whole palm of her hand was hot, as if it was burning, almost subconsciously, she wanted to withdraw her hand, but she only moved slightly, but the man held her hand even tighter, even, the man was still strong She opened her hand and pressed it tightly to her heart.

Following the man's actions, she trembled slightly.

"Rao Shixin, you're running away!" The man's voice was magnetic and tough, and he pierced her undisguisedly, "It's not like you don't have any feelings for me."

These words undoubtedly directly hit Rao Shixin's heart.

There was an embarrassment of being exposed in her eyes. Fortunately, the eyelashes were long enough to cover her thoughts on the eyelids, but her body was still exposed.

After the man said this, her body obviously paused, and her entire back became stiff.

Perhaps because she was unwilling to be exposed by a man, she clenched the other small hand hanging by her side, and then took a deep breath before saying, "You think too much, being kissed by an ex-boyfriend brought back memories of the past." Forget it, at best, it's just some nostalgia for the past, it doesn't mean I have feelings for your ex-boyfriend, understand?"

Liang Feimo stared at her, his dark pupils shrank slightly, "I don't believe it."

"You can choose not to believe it, but the fact is like this." Taking advantage of the man's unpreparedness, Rao Shixin withdrew his hand, "I'm a little hungry, do I still want to eat?"

Liang Feimo pursed his thin lips. After all, he did not continue this topic.

Probably because Rao Shixin said that he was hungry, he stopped being aggressive, just sat up, raised his hand and straightened his shirt.

On the other side, Rao Shixin also stood up with his elbows propped up.She was about to get out of bed, only to find that she was still wearing the crew's clothes. Although the heavy clothes had been taken off, there were still underwear and trousers left, so it was inappropriate to go out in such clothes.

"Liang Feimo, do you have girls' clothes here?"

Hearing this, Liang Feimo was slightly stunned, and looked at her with some deep meaning in his eyes, "No, there will be no one else but you."

Rao Shixin raised her eyebrows slightly, and suddenly felt that what she asked just now seemed to have been misunderstood.So, she licked her lips and said, "That's not what I mean, I mean, is there any girl's clothes that I can wear?"

She always has to change into a decent outfit before she can go out to eat!

Liang Feimo was silent.

"Forget it, there's no need to answer, I know it is." Rao Shixin moved his body, put his feet on the ground, and put on his shoes.

The whole rest room looked cold, even unremarkably clean. It was obvious at a glance that men had never rested here, let alone other girls.

As for girls' clothes, they don't even exist anymore, so just now she was out of her mind to ask if there were any girls' clothes!
It was as if she was interrogating her!

Liang Feimo watched Rao Shixin put on his shoes, so he reached out to take out his phone from his pocket and sent a message to Wen Xi.

After sending the message, he put away his phone and got out of bed.

After Rao Shixin put on the embroidered shoes, he walked towards the bathroom with his calves, and said, "You go out and wait first, I'll go wash your face."

Liang Feimo didn't say anything, but left the rest room first.

(End of this chapter)

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