The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1201 Rao Shixin's tone is understated

Chapter 1201 Rao Shixin's tone is understated

From this angle, you can still see the cars flowing on the bridge.

Rao Shixin did not expect that the private room would be so romantically arranged.

Just as she was in a daze, the door behind her was closed, and immediately after, she felt a warm body against her back.

At some point, the man moved behind her, stretched out his arms to wrap her in his arms, and his face fit her face, his dark eyes looked at her profile, and asked, "Do you like it?"

Rao Shixin froze for a moment, "You"

"This is what I prepared for our date tonight." Liang Feimo's thin lips were right next to her ear, so what he said, wrapped in warm breath, sprayed all over her ear, making her She couldn't help but tremble her eyelashes.

Rao Shixin, who has always been fearless and has been hacked to a new level in the entertainment industry, can calmly go back in the face of black fans, but today he was at a loss for a while because of all the manipulations of men.

This feeling made her feel a little scared!
Yes, be afraid!
Liang Feimo is trying his best to force her to surrender into his arms!
In just one day, he had already laid a net, trying to attack her!
She didn't dare to admit that her heart fell into it for a moment.

However, she didn't want to do it herself.

So, looking at all the romantic arrangements in front of her, the little hand hanging by her side pinched her leg fiercely. The tingling feeling made her clear head and become more rational.

Soon, she suppressed all her emotions and forced herself not to fall.

With both hands, she pushed the man's arms around her waist away, and then, she withdrew from the man's embrace, turned around, looked at the man, and said seriously: "Liang Feimo, whatever you want How to chase me, but before you catch me, I hope you can keep a distance from me."

Liang Feimo froze for a moment, and then wrinkled his brows.

Facing Rao Shixin's remarks, his eyes became thoughtful, "You don't like this arrangement?"

Rao Shixin's eyes flickered slightly, and his face was deliberately calm, "It doesn't matter to me."

"It doesn't matter?" Liang Feimo narrowed his eyes slightly.

"As I said, I've been here many times." Rao Shixin folded his arms around his chest, "You don't think that you are the only one who made such a romantic arrangement for me, do you?"

Liang Feimo's face darkened, "Who else? Xiao Ke?"

"I don't need to report to you, this is my private life." Rao Shixin said lightly.

In fact, she did it on purpose.

All these years, she has been single and has never talked to anyone at all.

I don't know why, after breaking up with this man, for a long period of time, she didn't care about love at all, and after entering the entertainment industry, she was so busy every day, naturally she didn't have the time to fall in love .

However, she would never tell this to the man in front of her. Not only that, but she also deliberately misunderstood the man, thinking that she had been chased by many men all these years.

Although, there are indeed many men who want to chase her, but whenever she finds out that someone wants to chase her, she will immediately shake her face and warn the other party to stop wishful thinking.

After going back and forth, the men naturally only want to chase her but dare not chase her.

Liang Feimo stared at Rao Shixin, trying to see something from Rao Shixin's face.

(End of this chapter)

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