The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1203 Tired of thinking about it!

Chapter 1203 Tired of thinking about it!

The man raised his eyebrows, his dark eyes were burning with burning light, like bright stars, "Can I do it, you still don't know?"

"?" Rao Shixin vaguely felt that these words had other meanings.

Of course, she was not mistaken, what the man said next made her feel ashamed and angry.

The man could only hear his lips pursed, and continued: "Forgot? Back then you couldn't walk all day."


The tableware in Rao Shixin's hand dropped and landed on the plate, making a harsh sound.

Because of her gaffe, the man's eyebrows became more and more arrogant, "How? Or did you really forget? I don't mind proving it to you tonight."

Rao Shixin's ears were already infected with heat, he gritted his teeth and stared, "Shut up!"

However, the more she was like this, the more teasing light in the man's eyes, "So excited, it seems that you haven't completely forgotten."

These words reached Rao Shixin's heart.

Indeed, she did not forget the days and nights they were together, and even remembered them very clearly.

After all, Liang Feimo was her first love. All the first times in her life were given to Liang Feimo, so naturally she couldn't forget those intimate things.

Not only can't he forget it, but he also has a deep memory, because Liang Feimo's physical fitness is too amazing.

"Enough! Liang Feimo, if you still want to have dinner with me, then you'd better shut up." Rao Shixin's face was obviously embarrassed.

If Liang Feimo continues to pull it off, she will really throw up her sleeves and leave!

Liang Feimo's brows added smile lines, "Okay, don't talk, let's eat."

Perhaps knowing that she was really losing her temper, he stopped teasing her, but just raised his hand and took the dinner plate in front of her, and then changed his own.

The meat on her dinner plate has basically been eaten, and the rest are vegetables. As for his dinner plate, it is almost untouched.

Seeing the plate being changed, Rao Shixin said dissatisfiedly, "Why did you change mine?"

Liang Feimo said dotingly: "You are too thin, you should eat more meat." While speaking, he held the fork again, and piled all the meat on the table into her plate.

"Don't you know that to be a celebrity, the first prerequisite is to be thin?" Rao Shixin said something, but he still picked up the fork, picked up the meat on the plate, and began to put it in his mouth. deliver.

Liang Feimo: "That's other actors, you don't need it."

"Cut, you don't need it if you say you don't need it, and you can't represent the audience!" Rao Shixin stuffed another mouthful of meat and continued: "When you are on camera, real people always look fatter, slightly fatter. If you are on the screen, you will become fat, and if you are a little thinner, you will become slightly fat, unless you are really thin to the extreme, then you will be able to show your thinness when you appear on TV."

After these few bites of meat, she will have to run a few laps on the treadmill when she goes back tonight, she is tired after thinking about it!
However, the delicious food was in front of her, and she felt sorry for the delicious food if she didn't eat it.

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows, "I don't mind whether you are fat or thin."

"It's not your turn to mind." Rao Shixin turned back, "What are you!"

Liang Feimo pursed his lips, "It counts as your significant other."

"Shameless!" Rao Shixin pursed her lips.

Seeing her talking, Liang Feimo didn't slow down eating the meat, so he continued to stack the meat on her plate.

There was always more meat on the plate, and Rao Shixin took one bite after another, feeling very satisfied.

(End of this chapter)

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