The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1205 There is another meaning in Rao Shichen's words

Chapter 1205 There is another meaning in Rao Shichen's words

Unexpectedly, Lou Jianian walked out of the hotel after dinner, and ran into Rao Shixin head-on.

In fact, meeting Rao Shixin didn't surprise her, but when Rao Shixin and a certain man appeared at the same time, and the wrist was held by the man, that surprised her.

After scanning Rao Shixin and Liang Feimo back and forth twice, she raised her eyebrows slightly, and she basically guessed what happened to them in her mind.

Rao Shichen's face was indifferent, and he didn't have the slightest expression on the fact that he happened to meet his own sister when he walked out of the hotel. There was even disgust in his eyes.

However, when he glanced past his sister to the man next to his sister, there was deep thought in his eyes.

In the next second, when he saw his sister's hand tightly held by the man, a hint of understanding appeared in the corners of his eyes and brows.

Rao Shixin almost excitedly shouted the words "little sister-in-law", and then started to rush forward.

Unfortunately, she forgot that her wrist was held by the man, so that when she took a step, she was dragged back before rushing out.

Being dragged back, she glanced down at the palm of the man's wrist, and then warned, "My brother is here, why don't you let go?"

Liang Feimo pondered for a while, then turned his attention to Rao Shichen who came out of the hotel not far away.

The light at the top corner of the hotel came down, and Rao Shichen's hazel eyes happened to look at him.

During the second of their gazes meeting, both of them saw the meaning in each other's eyes.

Poor Rao Shixin didn't even know that she had already been betrayed by her own brother.

She thought Liang Feimo could be suppressed by taking out her own brother, but in fact, she had no idea that Liang Feimo had already reached a certain consensus with her own brother.

"Hey, do you want my brother to clean you up before you give up?" Seeing that Liang Feimo had no intention of letting go, Rao Shixin gritted his teeth.

Fortunately, Liang Feimo did not continue to hold on to her hand. After her words fell, Liang Feimo finally let go of her hand.

However, it was precisely because she mentioned her brother several times that Liang Feimo let go. In this way, she mistakenly thought that she moved out of her brother and successfully threatened Liang Feimo.

When her hand was free, she hummed proudly.

Just at this moment, Rao Shichen walked over with Lou Jianian by his arm.

"Shi Xin, what a coincidence." Lou Jianian said with a smile, and then politely greeted Liang Feimo, "And Mr. Liang, so you are here too, both of you..." She glanced back and forth between the two of them. .

Rao Shixin was afraid of being misunderstood, so he hurriedly said: "Sister-in-law, it's like this, I came here for dinner, and I happened to meet Mr. Liang, so we chatted for a while."

President Liang?
This title made Liang Feimo's brows slightly wrinkled, his thin lips pursed slightly, a little dissatisfied.

Lou Jianian's eyes flickered, "So that's how it is."

"It's a coincidence that we met after a meal." There was another meaning in Rao Shichen's words.

Rao Shixin rolled his eyes and said, "Hehe, what a coincidence."

In fact, everyone knew that she was talking nonsense, but no one exposed her, but she didn't know it.

Rao Shichen glanced at Liang Feimo, "Mr. Liang, I didn't expect to meet here. I haven't seen you for a few days. I am impressed and have grown up."

"I didn't expect that." Liang Feimo was expressionless, even a little cold. After all, if Rao Shichen hadn't appeared, he would have grabbed Rao Shixin and got into the car by now.

(End of this chapter)

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