The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1211 The face is full of madness and evil

Chapter 1211 The face is full of madness and evil
In the private room of the bar, Liang Feimo saw that the outgoing video call was cut off, and then his eyes were stained with deep meaning, and he sent a message instead.

L: So you haven't slept yet, why didn't you reply me?

When Rao Shixin saw the news, he realized that the man was testing whether she was asleep just now!

After thinking about it, she simply turned off her phone.

So annoying!
Haunted all day long!

Seeing that the message was sent out, Liang Feimo still didn't get a reply, so he stopped sending it.

But, he looked at the wine glass on the table.In the next second, he took the wine glass, raised his head and downed the wine in one breath.

After finishing, he put the wine glass on the table, his eyes as dark as obsidian became firm, "Rao Shixin!"

He's going to commit her, no matter what she thinks, in short, he won't let her go!
The stars are shining.

City Lake District, Leng's mansion.

A Volvo drove into the gate of the house, bypassed the fountain pool, and stopped in front of the steps of the mansion.

At this moment, the car door opened, and Leng Qirui got out of the car.

He just came back from Emperor Zun, and after taking a few sips of wine, his already handsome face was filled with madness and evil. Instead of indifference, he didn't look so cold.

He was wearing a white sportswear, exuding masculine charm, especially the pectoral muscles that were exposed at the neckline.

Maybe they heard the roar of the car, and soon someone ran out from the hall, and that person was none other than Zhang Bo, the housekeeper.

Seeing that Leng Qirui had returned, Uncle Zhang hurried down the steps, "Sir, you are back."

While speaking, he was full of anxiety.

Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows slightly, put his hands in his trouser pockets, and walked up the steps, "What happened to that kid?"

"The young master seems to have a little fever again tonight, and I don't know what's going on." Uncle Zhang was so worried that he said, "Sir, the young master has a fever every two or three days. Would it be better to go for a comprehensive checkup?" ?”

There was a wrinkle in Leng Qirui's expression, "I'll go up and have a look first."

So, a master and a servant just entered the hall, stepped up the stairs, and came to the third floor.

children's room.

As soon as the door was pushed open, a small soft body was lying on the big bed inside.

Leng Zimu was sleeping, her round little face was flushed, which was clearly a sign of fever.

There are many large robots piled up in the whole room.

Leng Qirui had to jump over the robots before arriving at the bedside.

Looking closely, the little guy was sleeping soundly, but his eyebrows were furrowed, and his breathing seemed a little heavy.

There is a temperature gun on the bedside table.

Leng Qirui took the temperature gun and took the temperature of the little guy. It was 38 degrees, the same as last time.

Seeing this body temperature, his eyes became thoughtful.

During this period of time, the little guy always had a fever at night, and he was inexplicably fine when he woke up the next day.

So far, the family doctor can't find any reason, so it is recommended to go to the hospital for a comprehensive examination, but it is impossible for the little guy to cooperate!
There is no solution to this matter.

Zhang Bo was anxious and worried behind him.His whole old face was a bit haggard.

Seeing that the young master had a fever again, his heart rose to his throat.

"Sir, what should we do?"

Leng Qirui put down the temperature gun, "Let's cool down first."

So, the next step is a series of cooling operations.

Zhang Bo is helping to take care of it.

It's not too late, it's only eleven o'clock, and when the temperature has almost dropped, I have to stay by the side to prevent the little guy from having a fever again.

As usual, Leng Qirui asked Uncle Zhang to go to rest first, and stayed to watch by himself, but Uncle Zhang refused.

(End of this chapter)

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