The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1218 Shows grandeur and dignity

Chapter 1218 Shows grandeur and dignity

Zhang Bo didn't know what to do.Should I bring the tray in, or is it better to turn around and leave?
If these robots come around again later, I'm afraid it will be difficult for him to get out.

After thinking for a while, for the sake of the young master's health, he finally decided to give it a try.

"Master, this porridge is much different from the one just now. It's delicious. Would you like to try it?"

On the sofa, Leng Zimu looked at the tray with his eyes. After a few seconds of deep thinking, he still controlled the robot.

At this time, the robot stretched out its hands and took the tray from Uncle Zhang's hand accurately.

Uncle Zhang was taken aback, seeing that the tray in his hand was gone, he was a little surprised for a moment, "Young master, you"

However, before he could say anything, the door was slammed shut by the robot.

Uncle Zhang is confused!
What's happening here?
The sun shines on the earth.

The Liang family mansion.

A white car drove up to the wrought iron gate and stopped.

Soon, guards came forward to see who was driving.

At this moment, the door of the driver's seat was lowered. The girl wore sunglasses on her face, her long hair was rolled up, and her pinkly painted lips looked radiant under the light.

Seeing the gatekeeper approaching, the girl immediately took off her sunglasses and said politely with a smile: "I'm here to visit Mrs. Liang, can you open the door?"

When the guard saw the girl's face under the sunglasses, he said respectfully, "So it's Miss Xia. I'll open the door right now."

So, the guard at the gate opened the main gate with a remote control.

As soon as the door opened, Xia Xi drove in the car.

The Liang family's mansion occupies a large area, and it takes a long distance to drive a car to get in.

Finally, when she parked the car under the steps of the hall, a servant inside came down.

When the servant saw a guest, he immediately came forward to wait for him.

Xia Xi opened the car door and stepped out of the car, with a smile on his face, "Hi, I'm here to visit Mrs. Liang, by the way, Mrs. Liang should be at home, right?"

"So it's Miss Xia!" The servant was full of respect, "Madam is at home, upstairs, Miss Xia, please sit in the inner hall." While speaking, the servant made a gesture of invitation.

Xia Xi stepped on high heels, followed the servant up the steps, and entered the living room.

The entire living room is spacious and luxurious. The murals worth hundreds of millions, crystal lamps, and decorations, including the carvings on the stone pillars, all reveal extravagance, not to mention the large-size TV hanging on the wall, including the exquisite British style sofa.

The servant greeted Xia Xi to take a seat, and went to make tea, and then went upstairs to inform Mrs. Liang.

Xia Xi sat on the sofa, sipping the expensive high-quality black tea, feeling very comfortable.

Every servant here knows her and knows the relationship between her and Mrs. Liang, so every time she comes, the servants will respect her, and she enjoys the feeling of being respected by the servants, because it makes her feel I feel like the master of the Liang family.

The black tea is mellow and fragrant, and the whole lips and teeth are filled with a tea fragrance after the entrance.

It must be very enjoyable to live in this kind of house.

At this moment, her whole mind was already imagining, what if she could become the young mistress of the Liang family?

At this moment, footsteps came from the stairs.

Xia Xi withdrew the thoughts in her head, and when she looked up, she saw Mrs. Liang coming down the stairs.

The spiral staircase is decorated with gold, and the totems are carefully carved, showing the grandeur and luxury.

(End of this chapter)

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