The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1331 Do you even have to prove your identity?

Chapter 1331 Do you even have to prove your identity?
Not only the netizens couldn't believe it, but also the reporters present.

This news, like a depth bomb, made people feel a little incredible.

A reporter who is not afraid of death came with a fatal question.

He could only be heard asking: "Miss Rao Shixin, what evidence do you have to prove that you are the younger sister of the president of the Rao Group?"

The smile on Rao Shixin's face was stiff for a moment.

She had calculated that the reporter might ask such a deadly question, otherwise she wouldn't have asked her grandfather and brother to help clarify it at the scene last night.

However, what she didn't expect was that her grandfather and brother refused to help, and they really did what they said, and they didn't even show up.

To make matters worse, as she expected, the reporter asked a question that she didn't know how to answer.

Let her produce evidence to prove that she is the younger sister of the president of the Rao Group?
These days, even if one's identity is revealed, one has to prove one's identity?
Everyone looked at Rao Shixin, wanting to hear how Rao Shixin would answer.

Yang Hui always had a smile on his face.Today's press conference was a complete success as expected.

Right now, as long as Rao Shixin's grandfather or elder brother shows up, everything will be perfect.

So, what about people?

After waiting for a while, Yang Hui found that Rao Shixin did not respond, so he leaned over, lowered his voice, and asked, "Don't be in a daze, let Chairman Rao or President Rao show up."

Rao Shixin licked his lips, tried his best to maintain a smile, then raised his hand to cover his mouth, and secretly told Yang Hui, "I don't think they can come."

Hearing this, Yang Hui widened his eyes.


Nani?can not come?

This is a big joke!

If Chairman Rao or President Rao hadn't come, the reporters would definitely question Rao Shixin's true identity.

"Didn't you say last night that your grandfather and elder brother will definitely come?"

"I did think they would come, but they said no."

Yang Hui almost couldn't sit still and fell off the chair.

Don't play like this!

What can I do now?
Off the court, the reporters stared at Rao Shixin one after another. After waiting and waiting, Rao Shixin still didn't answer, and the reporters gradually began to question him.

Discussions erupted.

Rao Shichen, who was watching the live broadcast, frowned coldly.

He scanned the camera, the reporter who raised the question, and then remembered him very carefully.

Similarly, Rao Yanzhong, who was watching the live broadcast in the apartment, was no exception.

"This bastard reporter, did you ask an idiot question? Of course Shi Xin belongs to our Rao family, so there is no need to prove it? How the hell can he be a reporter with this IQ? I'm so pissed off!"

Holding the tea in her hand, Chen Yuhui took a sip calmly.

Watching the live broadcast the whole time, and silently listening to the old man beside her angrily complaining to the TV, she could see the old man's worry and nervousness.

Mingming loves her dearly in her heart, but she always likes to call her a stinking girl on weekdays.

This old man is a bit stubborn.

Xia Xi, who was in the crew, saw that Rao Shixin couldn't answer for a long time, and felt more and more proud.

She knew it already, how could Rao Shixin be Rao's daughter?
The retribution of nonsense came.

She also wanted to know how the former chairman and current president of the Rao Group would deal with Rao Shixin after the press conference was broadcast?

at the same time.

In a hospital, in a ward.

Mr. Liang watched the live broadcast anxiously, "Why are these reporters so stupid? What are they asking? Oh no, my granddaughter-in-law Shi Xin is stumped."

On the side, Mrs. Liang stared at the screen intently, "Dad, don't worry, Shi Xin is so smart, she must know how to answer."

(End of this chapter)

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