The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1334 The aura that only a man who has been in a superior position for a long time will have

Chapter 1334 The aura that only a man who has been in a superior position for a long time will have
I don't know what's going on, her body is a little tense, even her throat seems to be stuck by something, and she can't say anything.

In front of her, the man stared straight at her for a moment, making her eyes erratic, and she didn't dare to look at him at all.

"Why didn't you tell me that there is a press conference today?" The man's magnetic voice was like uncorked red wine, and the mellow breath hit him.

The sound is so beautiful that the ears are almost pregnant.

Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, "I"

"Okay, I know, you just think it's useless to tell me, don't you?" The man's voice was still sweet.

Rao Shixin had a question mark in his mind.

Next, the man said: "But, you are my woman, I will not allow you to be bullied by others."

Rao Shixin widened his eyes.He what nonsense?
The scene, including the netizens watching the live broadcast in front of the camera, is also good.

Everyone was stunned!

What does this mean?
Could it be Mr. Liang and Rao Shixin?
Liang Fei raised his eyebrows slightly, walked around the table, and walked towards Rao Shixin.

At this time, Rao Shixin didn't know how to react!

At the table, Yang Hui was dumbfounded.Mr. Liang's arrival was completely unexpected to her.

However, now that Liang can always come, the press conference seems to be able to end smoothly.

So, she got up tactfully, slipped aside, and gave the man and woman all the space.

Liang Feimo walked up to Rao Shixin, raised his palm, held Rao Shixin's hand, clasped his fingers tightly, and then faced the reporter and the audience in the camera.

"Everyone, Rao Shixin is the younger sister of Rao Shichen, the president of the Rao Group. If anyone doesn't believe it, they can raise their doubts now!"

After these words fell, everyone present did not dare to take a breath.

As we all know, Liang's Group and Rao's Group are well-known giants, and it is said that Mr. Liang and Mr. Rao have a very good relationship.

So, who would dare not believe what Mr. Liang said?
The reporters fell silent.

However, netizens are all crazy.

[Ah ah ah!Mr. Liang, oh my god, so handsome! 】

[The front looks better!Is the man I want! 】

[Who doesn't believe what Mr. Liang said?Anyway, I absolutely believe it! 】

[Liang's jewelry brand is trustworthy, Mr. Liang yyds. 】

[Why did no one ask what is the relationship between Mr. Liang and Rao Shixin?They even held hands! 】

Among the reporters, someone finally came to his senses and asked a very gossip but polite question——

"Mr. Liang, why do you want to testify for Miss Rao Shixin?"

As this question was thrown, everyone was very curious to know how Liang Feimo would answer.

Liang Feimo frowned slightly, as if he was slightly dissatisfied with the reporter who asked the question.

That reporter was also bold enough to ask.

Of course, no one knew how panicked the reporter was.

With just one sweep of Liang Feimo's eyes, it gives people the illusion that a sharp sword is coming fast, making people tremble inexplicably.

This may be the aura that only a man who has been in a superior position for a long time will have.

Anyway, the reporter felt a chill.

He wondered, would he not need to be a reporter anymore?

However, what he didn't know was that because of this question, his future was brightened.

While everyone was thankful that they held back the gossip and didn't ask questions, they also felt sympathy for the reporter.

Of course, they are all reporters after all, and everyone wants to get the news, so everyone looked at the man at the table curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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