The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1336 Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin have known each other for 6 years?

Chapter 1336 Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin have known each other for six years?

Xia Xi's face became even uglier.Because she could foresee that she would become a joke of the crew.

Everyone thought that she and Liang Feimo had an unusual relationship, but Liang Feimo publicly announced that Rao Shixin was his girlfriend. So where is she?

At this moment, she hated Rao Shixin very much in her heart, and of course, she also blamed herself for not arranging this matter properly.

Originally, she wanted to use the trending search to make Rao Shixin popular on the Internet, but she didn't expect that Rao Shixin would be fulfilled in the end.

the other side.

Hospital ward.

Old Mr. Liang was excited, "Daughter-in-law, listen to what this kid Feimo just said?"

"Dad, I heard that Feimo said that Xinshi is his girlfriend." Mrs. Liang was full of surprise.

Old Mr. Liang clutched his chest and said, "Oh, my heart is beating a little fast, I'm so excited, daughter-in-law, this kid Feimo has finally lived up to his expectations."

"No, it seems that Feimo really cares about Shixin, today's wave of operation is awesome!" Mrs. Liang danced happily, "It seems that our Liang family will have a happy event soon."

"My ancestors must have manifested their spirits. My old Liang family finally has hope." Mr. Liang was extremely excited, "Daughter-in-law, please bring out our family's ancestral treasure, the Song Dynasty jade bracelet, to Shi Xin."

"Ah! Dad, I almost forgot if you didn't mention this. Mom gave me the bracelet back then. I was afraid that Feimo wouldn't have a wife, and I wouldn't be able to hand over the bracelet in the future. Now it's all over. I finally don't have to worry about it anymore. Yes, when Shi Xin comes to our house, I will give the bracelet to Shi Xin right away."

Old Mr. Liang nodded with a smile, "That's right, when Shi Xin comes to our house, I will give it to you at that time. After all, it is a valuable ancestral treasure, and you can't take it out casually."

The screen returned to the press conference site again.

Some of the reporters couldn't help asking: "Miss Rao Shixin, when did you and President Liang meet? How long have you been dating?"

This question is simply to satisfy the broad audience.

Rao Shixin didn't expect it.The reporter didn't ask Liang Feimo, he insisted on asking her.How does this make her answer?

Could it be that she wanted to say that she had actually known Liang Feimo six years ago, and they were still together, but they broke up later, and they met again some time ago?

To be honest, she didn't want to answer.

However, the man beside her didn't think so.

The man said directly: "Shi Xin and I have known each other for six years, how long have we been dating, do you need to say more about this?"

Rao Shixin paused.

How did he come out?

There was an exclamation in the audience one after another.

six years!

This time is too long.

Of course, because Liang Feimo said it, no one questioned it.

This explosive answer shocked everyone who watched the live broadcast again.

Especially netizens.

[I rely on it!six years!It's been a long time, so President Liang and Rao Shixin have been together for six years? 】

[Being able to date for six years, it seems that this relationship is true. 】

[Mr. Liang is so affectionate! 】

[According to this calculation, Mr. Liang dated 22-year-old Rao Shixin when he was 19 years old! 】

[After talking for six years, how can you hide it so deeply?That's great. 】

Xia Xi almost went crazy!
six years!

Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin have known each other for six years?

No wonder Liang Feimo looked at Rao Shixin differently every time!
Surprise floated in Xiao Ke's eyes, and then gradually became sad.

In six years, Liang Feimo has not been able to forget Rao Shixin, so he has no chance at all, right?

Thinking of this, he only felt a tightness in his chest!
(End of this chapter)

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