Chapter 1339 Rao Shixin Shouts

Liang Feimo's expression sank, and he couldn't help but put a little more force on the hand holding her white wrist, "Are you blaming me for helping you?"

"I don't need your help." Rao Shixin looked directly at him, "Also, I will announce our breakup on Weibo after a while."

Liang Feimo's hands holding the blue velvet box were throbbing with veins.Of course, he controlled his emotions very well, but his eyes stared at Rao Shixin as if he could eat people.

His pupils are as dark as a cliff hole, just staring at people can make people feel terrible.

Rao Shixin frowned slightly, but in the end she still looked away, "Please let me go."

However, after she finished speaking, the man didn't follow suit, but raised his thin lips slightly, and let out a very low sneer.

Immediately afterwards, the man opened his mouth and said, "I thought, as long as I follow your way to chase you, you will agree."

"?" Rao Shixin had a question mark in his her way?
What do you mean?
Just when she was puzzled, the man said coldly: "It seems that I was wrong, I should use my way."

"!" When Rao Shixin suddenly felt that something was wrong, he was picked up by the man suddenly.

"Ah! Liang Feimo, what are you doing?" She exclaimed in fright.

All the people in the background cast their gazes over, but there was only envy in their eyes.

Just after showing their love at the press conference, they went backstage and started spreading dog food.

Liang Feimo snorted softly, "Use my method to let you know what pursuit is!" After finishing speaking, he stepped up and left the stage directly.

"Hey! Put me down. Help!" Rao Shixin yelled.

However, this cry for help was not taken seriously at all.

From everyone's point of view, Mr. Liang couldn't wait to make love with Rao Shixin.

Just like that, Liang Feimo hugged Rao Shixin forcefully and left, all the way through the gate.

Just in time, the reporters haven't all dispersed yet.

Everyone saw this scene and quickly picked up the camera to capture it.

A Lincoln was parked at the gate of the press conference.

Wen Xie had already seen Mr. Liang appear, so he immediately walked around to the back seat of the car and opened the door.

Just as he opened the car door, Mr. Liang carried Miss Rao to the front of the car, and forcefully stuffed Miss Rao into the car.

In the next second, he saw Mr. Liang slam the car door, walked around to the driver's seat, opened the car door and took his seat.

Soon, the car started and drove away.

Only the bewildered warm salamander was left behind.

The car left the press conference venue and drove directly onto the highway.

In the back seat of the car, Rao Shixin was furious, "Liang Feimo, let me get out of the car!"

When she was forcefully stuffed into the car just now, the reporters were surrounding her. After getting into the car, she had no way of escaping.

If it wasn't for the presence of the reporter, she wouldn't have allowed this man to drive her away from the press conference.


In the driver's seat, Liang Feimo exudes a coldness all over his body, and the car drives very fast.

Rao Shixin gripped the handlebar tightly, feeling the coldness from the man in the front seat.An idea came up in her mind, and the man became angry, so he decided to drive to the wilderness to finish her off.

The more I think about it, the more I realize it's a possibility.

She wanted to take out her mobile phone to call the police, but found that the mobile phone was not with her at all.

She was carried away by the man just now, and her mobile phone was left in the backstage of the press conference.

What can we do now?
In this way, she was anxious all the way until the car stopped in a high-end residential area.

She has no idea where this is.

(End of this chapter)

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