The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1341 All Defenses Are Removed

Chapter 1341 All Defenses Are Removed
"Well..." Rao Shixin didn't expect that the man would directly touch her lips when he disagreed with her.


So, she struggled vigorously, but the more she struggled, the more her jaw was controlled tighter, and even her body was tightly suppressed.

In the end, she couldn't fight a man at all, so she could only give up struggling.

The light from the floor-to-ceiling windows spilled into the room, illuminating the entire ceiling with white light.

She just stared at the ceiling, and the crystal chandelier hanging above seemed to become far and near.

All the pictures began to gradually blur.

She felt that her brain was short of oxygen, and the blood in her body seemed to be boiling.

After a long time, when the man's thin lips moved away, she felt that her lungs got oxygen.

In front of him, the man's handsome face, jet black short hair, sword eyebrows and starry eyes, beautiful thin lips with a gleam of luster, cold yet charming.

The sexy Adam's apple is raised, the top button of the shirt collar is undone, and the wheat-colored skin and the traces of the chest muscles can be seen.

The man exudes a pleasant and clear breath, like the smell of pines and cypresses, which can make people lose their way in an instant.

Before, she had seen a word called "beauty like this", of course, it was used to describe women, but now, she felt that men could use it too.

really beatiful!
The halo came from behind, and the man was in a sea of ​​light, his stern face was less cold than usual, and more gentle.

When those beautiful eyes that were as dark as obsidian looked at her, they were extremely deep.

Rao Shixin's heart beat fast.I have to admit that at this moment, she was a little lost.

If she pushes the man away rationally, then nothing will happen next, but for some reason, her hand seems to be fixed by something, she just doesn't want to move at all.

Her blood was speeding up, her pulse was pounding, and she felt that all the defenses deep in her heart had been removed.

However, it was precisely because she didn't move that the man clenched her jaw even more, stroked her lips with his fingertips, and with a few clicks, a voice that was hoarse like a scorching fire sounded.

"Rao Shixin, you have no chance."


This word made Rao Shixin's eyes flash.

Yes, that's right, the man gave her a chance just now, but she wasn't sure at all.

If she had pushed the man away just now, then the man would naturally not hold her back forcefully, but she didn't make any statement!
No statement is equivalent to default.

There was a strong light in the man's eyes, and in the next second, he picked her up in the air, took a long leg, and walked to the bathroom.

Outside the window, the sun is shining, and through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, you can see the cars on the overpass in the distance outside.

Indoors, the clock on the wall shows that it is ten o'clock in the morning!
In this quiet space, there was a gasp and ambiguity in the direction of the bathroom.

Time flies, and soon it is afternoon.

Three o'clock.

Boren Hospital.

Inside the VIP ward.

Two elderly people were sitting at the coffee table, chatting cheerfully.

"I said, old man Liang, your body is not good enough. I have been out of the hospital for so long, why are you still lying in the hospital?" The person who spoke was Rao Yanzhong.

Perhaps after watching the morning press conference, he had a smile on his face.

On the side, Chen Yuhui was holding tea and sipping it gracefully.

Of course she knew that the old man was happy or something, and it wasn't because the airy little padded jacket that she had disliked for so long had a partner.

(End of this chapter)

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