Chapter 1347 Angered a beast

So, she put down her chopsticks and got up.

However, at this moment, the man stretched out his palm and clasped her wrist, "Where are you going?"

"I'm full, I'm going back." Rao Shixin twisted her little hand a few times while speaking, and found that she couldn't break free from the man's palm.

"Don't go back." The man pulled hard and pulled her body over, so she lost her balance and fell into his arms, just in time to be imprisoned by him forcefully.

"What are you doing? Let me go!" This sitting posture made her a little impatient.

The man clasped her palm tightly, making it impossible for her to escape, and rubbed her head with his jaw, saying, "Stay here tonight."

Hearing this, the struggling person in his arms froze for a moment, then gritted his teeth and asked, "Why?"

"Forgot? We made an official announcement in the morning."

"That's fake."

"It's true to me."

"I didn't take it seriously."

The man was silent for a while, and said, "I didn't take it seriously? What did we do in the afternoon?"

After his words fell, the girl's beautiful eyes flashed unnaturally, "It's nothing, it's the 21st century now, do you still want me to be responsible for you?"

The man looked cold, "So, you didn't refuse because you thought about it?"

These words make people feel ashamed.

Rao Shixin pretended not to care, "Of course, even if it's not you in the afternoon, as long as the other party is handsome and charming, I will generally not refuse."

A gust of cold air hit.

I saw the man's body temperature drop, and the frost was like winter, making people shiver inexplicably.

Anyway, Rao Shixin could feel a chill surrounding him.

This man, if he disagrees with him, he releases his air-conditioning!
Although it is summer now, the air-conditioning in the room is sufficient, and she thinks it is enough, and there is no need to add more air-conditioning.

"Rao Shixin, don't allow it in the future." The man's words carried danger and warning.

Not allowed?

Do you want her to be obedient in the future?

Beautiful to think!

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, as if doing it on purpose, and said: "If you don't flirt, you will waste your youth. I will decide to do it once a week."

Liang Feimo's face darkened.

"Of course, for the sake of your goodness, I allow you to visit me once a month. As for the rest of the time, I need to allocate it to others, understand?"

As soon as she finished speaking, her jaw was pinched by the man, and immediately after she heard the man's voice was magnetic, cold, charming, and dangerous, saying: "I'm not enough?"

Forced to look up at the man, she found that the man's pupils were as black as ink, and her figure could be reflected in them.

For a moment, she couldn't react in her mind, until she felt a cold rubbing sensation from her jaw, which brought her back to her senses, and retorted: "You? Of course not enough."

The man narrowed his eyes, "Very good." As he spoke, he suddenly lifted the person in his arms into the air.

"Ah!" The sudden behavior made the girl exclaim.

The man walked towards the spiral staircase with long legs, "I'll let you exercise your throat later."

"You!" The girl was anxious, "Bastard, put me down!"

However, how could an enraged beast easily let go of its prey.

Dark clouds drifted past outside the window, and there was a muffled thunder, and after a while, heavy rain began to fall.

In the room, the girl's angry curses were gradually replaced by other voices.

In this life, the thing Rao Shixin regretted the most was angering a ferocious beast. From then on, he was trapped in the beast's territory and was eaten to death forever.

After eating and drinking enough, he unexpectedly sent himself into the mouth of the beast again because of his words.

(End of this chapter)

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