The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1349 What did he think of her?

Chapter 1349 What did he think of her?
Rao Shixin's entire back was stiff.

After she proposed to break up back then, she resolutely embarked on the road to country M for medical treatment alone.

Those painful and tormented days cultivated her strong personality, which made her not care about the attacks of black fans after she entered the entertainment industry.

She longed to be an actress a long time ago, so after her illness was cured, she returned to China immediately, went to Dingsheng for an interview, and soon became a low-level artist in the company.

Over the years, how much effort she has spent in order to show her talents in front of the camera.

It is precisely because of her hard work that her acting skills are getting better and better, and she has more and more opportunities to show her face in public, until she became popular when she acted in "Jinse Cardamom".

Except for the period of medical treatment in country M, most of the time, she felt that she was a very lucky person.

If the man in front of her didn't mention it, she would almost forget that painful time.

You must know how difficult it is to treat the disease of tumor, not to mention that she had already reached the stage of malignant tumor at that time.

She used to think that she would die in another country during that medical treatment trip, but fortunately she survived, but even so, every time she thought of the bitterness of receiving various treatments alone in the hospital, she couldn't help but feel terrified.

There are many kinds of pain, and the suffering of disease made her know how important health is.

Because she knew at the time that her illness might not be cured, in order not to worry her family, she didn't mention a word, and lied that she was going abroad to relax. For Liang Feimo, who was still her boyfriend at the time, she directly Offered a breakup.

Of course, the night after the breakup, she passed out crying in her apartment.

I didn't fall asleep until I was tired from crying, and when I woke up the next day, I carried my luggage and flew to country M.

She always thought that Liang Feimo would not know about her illness, but from Liang Feimo's words just now, it was obvious that she already knew everything.

"Why do you know?" This is a point that she finds very strange, after all, she didn't tell anyone when she got sick.

The rain outside gradually subsided, and the room was full of light, revealing a certain sense of stability, as if a drifting ship had found a place to dock.

Liang Feimo stared at the girl's face for a moment, "You finally admitted it?" While speaking, he gently groped the girl's cheek with his palm, his movements seemed very gentle.

"You haven't answered my question yet." Rao Shixin was a little confused.

"Is this important?" Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, "Anyway, I will know in the end, and now I just want you to tell me that you left because of that illness?"

Rao Shixin's eyes flickered slightly, his lips pursed, and he looked away, "Not all."

However, just as she looked away, her cheeks were immediately held by the man's palms, and then she was straightened, and she was forced to only look at the man.

The man's forehead was lowered to hers, his thin lips were slightly parted, and there was a clear and pleasant smell, "Why is that?"

Because of what?
Rao Shixin's mind flashed every scene when the two were together.

From chasing him, to cohabitation, to creating romance, she has always been the one who takes the initiative in the sweetness that couples should have, and his response has always been only indifference.

Except, of course, for a few sports every late night.

If the affection she gives always fails to get enthusiastic response from the other party, she herself will feel that she is very sad, so what does he think of her?
(End of this chapter)

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