The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1354 Became a Super God MVP!

Chapter 1354 Became a Super God MVP!
He put the tray on the dining table, and then glanced at the girl's mobile phone screen, only to realize that she was playing a game.

So, he raised his eyebrows slightly, and reminded: "Baili is in the grass, use a big move."

Rao Shixin was stunned for a moment, but still followed the man's words, and cast a big move towards the grass to freeze the opponent, and then used the first skill followed by the second skill to directly take Baili's head.

Seeing that Baili Shouyue in the game was finally gone, a smile appeared on her face, "You deserve it, you keep chasing me, now it's gone."

At this moment, the man next to him said again: "Be careful on the left, there is King Lanling."

"Ah?" Rao Shixin was a little slow to react, only to hear the man's reminder. Unexpectedly, King Lanling jumped out of the grass and directly gave her a big move to Yu Ji.

So, her head just disappeared, and she was so angry that she couldn't help swearing.

Fortunately, after ten seconds or so, her concubine Yu came back to life, and was ready to run down the road.

Liang Feimo reminded: "Go to the middle road."

Originally, Rao Shixin planned to go to the bottom lane, but when he heard the man say that, he subconsciously moved in Yu Ji's direction and ran to the middle lane.

On the screen, Hou Yi: What the hell, Yu Ji, can you play?If not, get out!

Rao Shixin couldn't stand being scolded the most, and he was from our side.So, she scolded directly: "You can do it! The economy is so low, are you embarrassed?"

Liang Feimo's scolding words were particularly glaring in Liang Feimo's eyes.

So, Liang Feimo's expression was slightly cold, he stared at Yu Ji on the screen, and said, "Clear the line of soldiers first."

Rao Shixin raised his eyebrows, but didn't say anything, but Yu Ji in his hand, followed Liang Feimo's reminder, and began to clear the army.

"Hiding in the bushes."

"Don't move, wait for it to come."

"Okay, let's make a move."

The second skill of this skill, followed by the third skill, directly took the enemy's Angela's head.

Liang Feimo continued to direct, and Rao Shixin operated seriously.

Clear soldiers, push towers, take heads, and fight in the wild by the way, killing all the way, the economy is the highest.

Those who watched our side couldn't help but like it on the screen.

Zhao Yun: Shit!Yu Ji is awesome.

Donghuang: Niu Niu!

Arthur: I'm convinced!Yu Ji!
Houyi: .
Rao Shixin's eyes were a little smug as he kept taking the heads.

While pushing the tower, Hou Yi came, and Jia Luo, who was on the other side, also chased him out.

Rao Shixin's Yu Ji froze Jia Luo with a big move.

Next, Hou Yi took Jia Luo's head with a big move.

Rao Shixin's Concubine Yu continued to push the tower.

With such cooperation, the two succeeded in beheading all the way, making the enemy dare not come out, only dared to keep retreating.

On the screen, Hou Yi: Concubine Yu, YYDS!
Rao Shixin looked a little arrogant.

At this moment, Liang Feimo reminded: "There is an old master on the left, be careful!"

Rao Shixin's Concubine Yu quickly stepped back, following Liang Feimo's command: "Run first, then hide in the bushes, and wait for her to come before making moves."

Because of Liang Feimo's full command, Rao Shixin won the quadruple killing streak for the first time.

At the end of the game, she unsurprisingly became the super god MVP!
This is probably the best score she got from playing the game for the first time.

She saved a screenshot of the screen.

She has always been very good at playing games, and she was able to successfully win Chaoshen. A smile appeared on her brows, and she was reluctant to quit this scene.

Seeing her satisfied expression, Liang Feimo couldn't help but twitched her thin lips slightly, then raised his hand and rubbed the seeds on her head, and said, "Don't look, let's have breakfast."

As he spoke, he pushed the tray in front of her.

(End of this chapter)

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