The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1362 Mrs. Liang feels guilty

Chapter 1362 Mrs. Liang feels guilty

At this moment, Rao Shixin stood up and said, "I agree to be discharged from the hospital."

Jing Chen glanced at Rao Shixin, then pushed his glasses, without saying anything.

Mrs. Liang didn't expect Rao Shixin to say that, she was a little confused, "Shixin, the old man needs to be careful about his health, is it really appropriate to leave the hospital now?"

"Of course it's appropriate." Rao Shixin let go of Liang Feimo's hand, and Liang Feimo frowned deeply in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, she stepped forward, took Mrs. Liang's hand, and said, "Grandpa Liang is so boring and boring in the hospital. If he can go home, he can get up early every day to grow flowers and plants, to see the scenery and so on." , the mood will be much better, and it will also be of great help to the body.”

Old Mr. Liang patted his thigh, feeling a little excited, "Shi Xin said what was in my heart, staying in this hospital is too boring. I feel like I am drinking medicine, taking medicine, and watching TV while lying on the hospital bed every day. I'm a loser."

Hearing this, Mrs. Liang felt a little guilty, "Dad, you are such a useless person, our family relies on you for many things."

"Since I don't think I'm useless, let me go out of the hospital. After returning home, I want to sleep well. This hospital smells of disinfectant all day long. It's too pungent. I said Jing Chen, and your hospital Take a long time to react, will it work with odorless disinfectant in the future? As soon as I smell the smell of disinfectant, I feel bad."

Jing Chen licked his lips and gave a dry laugh, "Then I'll go back and respond to the dean."

In fact, the disinfectant used in the hospital is already tasteless, but Mr. Liang's nose is too sensitive, so he can always smell the subtle smell.

"The odorless disinfectant is not very expensive. If the hospital lacks the money for this disinfectant, I can take it from my old man. I can be regarded as a frequent visitor to this hospital. From now on, my old man will pay for the hospital's disinfectant." Mr. Liang is very generous. He wrote a check and handed it to Jing Chen.

Jing Chen raised his hand to take it and saw that there were as many as seven figures, "Then I will thank Mr. Liang on behalf of the hospital."

"Hey, what a joke." Mr. Liang waved his hand, and then said, "Anyway, just remember to discharge me from the hospital."

Jing Chen: "."

Because Mr. Liang was eager to be discharged from the hospital, Jing Chen patiently told him a lot of precautions, prescribed some medicine, and agreed to leave the hospital for Mr. Liang.

In the afternoon, the scorching sun almost roasted the earth.

Liang Feimo and Rao Shixin accompanied Mr. Liang home from the hospital.

Along the way, Liang Feimo was driving the car, sitting in the driver's seat, with Rao Shixin beside him, and Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang sitting in the back of the car.

Mr. Liang was obviously very happy.He looked at the little flowers on the side of the road outside the car window with a smile on his face.

Soon, the car arrived at Liang's house.

Mr. Liang was so excited to finally be able to go home.

After getting out of the car, the old man looked at the huge villa in front of him and took a deep breath.

After smelling the smell of disinfectant in the hospital for a long time, the old man only felt that the air in the house was very fresh.

Mrs. Liang got out of the car and came to the old man, and asked with concern: "Dad, are you tired? Do you want to take a rest first?"

"Hey, I've had enough rest in the hospital, and I'm finally able to go home. I'm so happy. By the way, where is Shi Xin?" The old man glanced around, only to find that Rao Shixin was standing in front of the car, looking at Looking at the villa in front of him.

It was Rao Shixin's first visit to the Liang family.

When the two were together before, she didn't even know where Liang Feimo lived.

(End of this chapter)

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