The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1372 Isn't this guy a bookkeeper?

Chapter 1372 Isn't this guy a bookkeeper?

After one dinner, Lou Jianian got drunk.

Her whole heart was drunk.

After the meal, Rao Shichen took her to the Regal Bar.

When the door of the bar was pushed open, the bell rang along with the tinkling of bells. The man sitting at the bar tasting wine looked up, and happened to meet Lou Jianian's eyes.

In an instant, a certain kind of light appeared in the man's comic eyes, and then he stepped up, "Tsk, Lou Jianian, it's time to wait for you."

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows slightly, "Huh? Are you waiting for me?"

"Nonsense, young master, I have been waiting for you for many days, but I didn't see you coming." Jing Chen, who had already got off work and took off his white coat, looked like a loose man.

I saw him put one hand in his pocket, and the other cold white hand twisted the wine glass, and the orange-yellow liquid reflected light through the glass.

As his words fell, a magnetic and clear voice sounded, "Doctor Jing, long time no see, how are you?"

Hearing this familiar voice that made one's scalp tingle, Jing Chen paused, and then glanced at the man beside Lou Jianian.

Immediately, he swallowed, and said with a dry smile, "Mr. Rao, I'm fine."

"Oh?" Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, his thin lips curled up slightly, "I don't think so."

Jing Chen's heart skipped a beat.Oops!Just now he had forgotten the existence of this man Rao Shichen, and he actually spoke so "ambiguously" to Lou Jianian.

This guy shouldn't be keeping accounts, right?

"Then what, I've been fine recently, really, thank you, Mr. Rao, for your concern." The subject changed, and he said again: "I've been waiting for Nian Nian at the bar recently, and I happen to have something to discuss with Nian Nian."

"Discussion?" Rao Shichen thought for a while, "What's the matter?"

Jing Chen licked his lips, but finally said: "That's right, Nian Nian was too busy after taking over Lou's, I wondered if I could give me the bar and let me take over, don't worry, Nian Nian is still a shareholder."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian was taken aback for a moment before he remembered this matter.

Rao Shichen looked calm, "I see." The next second, he looked at the girl beside him and said, "Your decision?"


How else to decide?

Of course I agree.

Lou Jianian made an OK gesture.

So, Rao Shichen glanced at Jing Chen, "She agreed."

Jing Chen naturally saw Lou Jia Nianbi's ok, and thought in his heart: I'm not blind!
However, he was naturally happy to be able to get the bar, so he quickly took out the contract.

"Since we agree, let's sign the contract."

Seeing the contract that Jing Chen had prepared in advance, Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows.

Since she took over as Lou's president and executor, she is indeed a bit busy. She has no time to manage the bar, so she simply leaves it to Jing Chen.

Without hesitation, she picked up the pen and signed the contract.

After signing the name, she glanced at the cold girl at the bar who was bartending, and a thought flashed in her eyes.

Jing Chen picked up the contract and looked at it again and again, touched his cheek with the tip of his tongue, and smiled until his teeth were exposed.

From now on, he is the big boss of this bar.

Seeing that the contract was signed, Rao Shichen clasped Lou Jianian's shoulder with his palm, rubbed it, and said, "Let's go, Gu Ze is urging you."

Hearing this, Lou Jianian thought for a while and said, "You go in first, I still have something to do, I will look for you later."

After speaking, she took a step.

Rao Shichen saw her stepping up and didn't look away until he reached the bar, but seeing that Jing Chen was still there, he politely invited Jing Chen to the private room.

In the end, Jing Chen didn't refuse, so he agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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