The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1374 Electricity flashed in each other's eyes

Chapter 1374 Electricity flashed in each other's eyes

Just when he thought he should do something, a man not far away got up, walked up to him, sat down after him, and gently touched him with his elbow, "Tsk, Doctor Jing, long time no see."

Jing Chen glanced at Gu Ze, and remembered something revealed in the last WeChat, so he coughed lightly and said, "It's been a long time."

"How is it? Don't you plan to have a drink? I opened the private room tonight. I was thinking that I am also a regular customer of this bar. My consumption alone can beat dozens of customers outside for a month." After spending, I decided to ask Lou Jianian to give me a discount when I settle the accounts tonight."

Jing Chen frowned, "A discount?"

"No, I can't take advantage of Lou Jianian." Gu Ze still remembered the fact that Lou Jianian took Qiu Qingqing away last time, so he lowered his voice and said, "After all, Lou Jianian is the boss here. "

After Jing Chen was quiet for a second, he said, "If you think too much, there can be no discount."

"Why are you so sure?" Gu Ze raised his eyebrows.

Jing Chen stroked his ink hair with his hand, and threw the signed contract to Gu Ze, "Because starting tonight, I'm the owner of this bar."

Gu Ze: "."

He was a little surprised, took a look at the contract, and found that it was true.

Jing Chen casually picked up a glass of not-too-alcoholic wine on the table, crossed his legs, and sipped it slowly, with a somewhat smug look on his face.

Now, Gu Ze could only get up boringly and return to his original seat.

The door of the private room was pushed open, and Lou Jianian came in.

As soon as she entered, her eyes immediately caught the man sitting on the left side of the sofa.

The man's hazel eyes also seemed to have a tacit understanding, and he met her gaze the moment she pushed the door in.

Electricity flashed in each other's eyes, and then they both raised their eyebrows and smiled.

The man pointed to the seat next to him, and Lou Jianian walked up to the man and took a seat after him.

"What were you doing just now?" The man picked up the fruit wine on the table and handed it to Lou Jianian.

Lou Jianian took the fruit wine, took a sip, and said, "I'll find myself a secretary."

"Secretary?" The girl bartending at the bar flashed past Rao Shichen's eyes, "Are you sure you want a bartender to be your secretary?"

Lou Jianian glanced at him, "You don't believe my eyes?"

"Not really." Rao Shichen raised his eyebrows slightly, and said, "It's just that you need a secretary, and I can find one for you."

"Are you referring to Xu Chi?"

"At least he's reliable."

"But I want to find it myself." Lou Jianian put down the fruit wine and took the cocktail next to her instead, but just as she picked it up, the man took the glass away and put it back on the table.

"No drinking."

Lou Jianian originally wanted to say that he had already had a drink outside, but after a second thought, in order to ensure that he would not give the man a reason to punish him tonight, he simply shut up.

Next to him, Jing Chen clicked his tongue twice, and couldn't help but say, "I didn't expect Lou Jianian to be under strict control by your husband."

Because the distance between them was too close, the conversation between Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian fell into his ears, so he suddenly interrupted in a twitch.

As soon as his words fell, he suddenly received an eye shot from a certain man.

The next second, he paused, his scalp was numb, he quickly raised his hand to pat his mouth, and said, "Well, my mouth is always talking nonsense involuntarily, what I just said was really not what I wanted to say."

(End of this chapter)

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