Chapter 1382 Too lazy to care
After scolding that he deserved it, Jing Chen stepped up and followed Sang Ye.

He hurriedly chased after Sang Ye and asked, "Hey, why are you so good at it?"

So far, all he knows is that Lou Jianian is good at skills. Of course, Lou Jianian is born with the power of the wild, so he is not surprised at all that he has good skills and can fly to the sky. bit?
Ok?Although he couldn't compare to Lou Jianian, but seeing her every move just now, he had to say that he was really surprised from the bottom of his heart.

As his words fell, the aloof girl suddenly stopped, and her eyes swept towards him.

At that moment, he also stopped, a little puzzled, "What's wrong?"

The dark clouds also covered the moon, and the alley was particularly dark without the projection of moonlight.

Only the street lights at the entrance of the alley still had light.

Therefore, in this dimness, through the faint light, he saw the girl's brows were full of coldness, and her lips were tightly pursed.

I don't know what's going on, but the way the girl looks at him seems to be complicated.

At this moment, he swallowed inexplicably, "What's wrong?"

He has not forgotten the girl's good skill just now, if the girl sees him upset and starts to attack him, then he will definitely be finished in a minute.

Unexpectedly, when his words fell, the girl suddenly shook her body, closed her eyes, and fell on him.

He was startled, and quickly reached out to support the girl, "Are you okay?"

Sang Ye shook her head, looking a little uncomfortable.She took a deep breath and clenched her fists.

At this time, Jing Chen also noticed something, "Could it be the powder that was inhaled just now that has an effect?"

In fact, he guessed right. Sang Ye felt dizzy because of inhaling those powdery things, and even felt a little weak all over.

Sang Ye's face was a little ugly, she pursed her lips and said nothing.

However, she barely supported her body and pushed Jing Chen away with her hands.

Jing Chen watched her push him away, he couldn't help being taken aback, and wanted to say something, but unexpectedly she turned around and was about to leave.

The dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the brilliance of the bright moon shone in the alley again.

Jing Chen watched Sang Ye leaning against the wall, walking step by step.Her body seemed to be shaking a little, obviously she might faint at any moment.

Seeing this scene, he didn't even know whether he should step forward to support her or not.

After thinking about it, he finally caught up with her and followed behind her.

The two figures walked one after the other.

Jing Chen was ready to catch Sang Ye at any time, but before he walked out of the alley, Sang Ye suddenly stopped, then turned around, staring at him with a pair of eyes.

That look, cold and full of warning, seemed to tell him to stay away from her.

He pouted, put his hands in his pockets, walked past her, and left the alley without looking back.

I'm too lazy to take care of it.

Outside the alley, the car was still parked not far away, the driver probably saw Jing Chen, so he drove the car over on purpose.

Jing Chen walked to the front of the car, opened the door, hesitated for a moment, and still glanced into the alley.

It was with such a sweep that he found the girl by the wall of the alley, and after shaking for a while, she fell directly to the ground.

Jing Chen's eyes widened, and he rushed into the alley in a hurry.

On the ground, I saw that the girl had passed out.

Now, he really didn't want to care about it.

(End of this chapter)

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