The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1388 I'm afraid I can't tell

Chapter 1388 I'm afraid I can't tell
Jing Chen heaved a sigh of relief, knowing that the girl believed what he said just now.

Fortunately, it was installed by him!

He couldn't say what he saw last night, otherwise, judging by this guy's not easy to provoke personality, he might be punished to death.

"If you let me know that you are lying, I will never let you go." Sang Ye put down her harsh words.

Jing Chen trembled in his heart, coughed lightly, and said, "I guarantee that what I just said is true, not at all false."

So, Mulberry leaves let go.

Seeing that there was no restraint behind him, Jing Chen paralyzed and almost fell on the sofa.

Unexpectedly, Sang Ye's strength was quite strong, and he felt that his arm was about to break.

I saw him crouching on the sofa aggrieved, hugging the pillow, and looking at the girl in the living room.

The girl is still wearing last night's clothes. Of course, this dress was torn off by the girl herself last night.

Thinking of last night, he felt quite scared.

Fortunately, he was smart last night, so he called the cleaning lady to come over to the apartment.

Therefore, Sang Ye's clothes last night were put on by the cleaning lady.

If he hadn't called the cleaning aunt last night, and still slept with Sang Ye Chiguo until dawn, even if he had ten mouths, he might not be able to speak clearly.

Sang Ye didn't stay any longer and planned to leave.

However, when she reached the door, she suddenly stopped and turned around.

Jing Chen was stunned for a moment, suddenly something was wrong, "Wh-what's wrong?"

At the door, I saw Sang Ye moved her lips, but she still said expressionlessly, "Thank you last night."

After finishing speaking, she turned around, opened the door, and left gracefully.

Jing Chen: "."


conference room.

In front of the long table, the high-level people are sitting in full swing.

On the main seat, Lou Jianian talked about the feasibility plan of the company's overseas development in the next six months.

Her plan naturally won the unanimous support of the high-level people.

Because after Lou Guangzong took over, the Lou family has been in a not-so-good state. In order to develop Lou's better, she thought of going abroad.

This meeting mainly discusses some plans for overseas markets.

After discussing for nearly two hours, the meeting finally came to an end.

Lou Jianian left the conference room, and when she got to the office, she found that Sang Ye was already waiting inside.

When Sang Ye arrived just now, she had already sent her a message, because she happened to be in a meeting, so she sent a message to ask Sang Ye to wait in the office.

Of course, Sang Ye was new here and was not familiar with the company at all, so she called the department manager again and asked the manager to show Sang Ye the way.

At the desk, Sang Ye was dressed casually, with white short sleeves and black trousers.

Of course, Lou Jianian didn't know that Sang Ye specially bought this outfit at a nearby shopping mall.

Because I stayed in Jing Chen's apartment for the whole night last night, Sang Ye didn't have time to go back and change clothes, so I had to go to the mall to buy a set of clothes to change.

After all, it's a new environment and a new job, so she can't dress too casually.

Although this outfit can be regarded as relatively casual, for a person like Sang Ye who usually doesn't pay much attention to dressing, today's dress can be regarded as a bit more formal.

Maybe it was because of the sound of the door opening, Sang Ye, who was sitting at the desk, glanced at the door, then stood up immediately, "Mr. Lou is good."

Lou Jianian walked to the desk, checked the time, "Have you been waiting?"

This morning meeting was quite long.

Sang Ye shook her head, "No, Mr. Lou is busy, wait a minute, it's normal."

(End of this chapter)

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