Chapter 1391 is too much!

Wen Rong frowned slightly, seeing that Xia Xi kept denying, so after thinking about it for a while, he had no choice but to leave temporarily.

Seeing Wen Rong turn around and leave, Xia Xi felt a flash of vigilance in her heart.

Right now, she was guessing what little schemes Wen Rong was planning.

Of course, no matter what scheme Wen Rong had, it would be fine as long as she refused to admit it anyway. After all, if Wen Rong had a way, there would be no need to force her to question her like this.

She was sure that Wen Rong had no evidence.

Thinking of this, her tense body relaxed, but, in order to prove her innocence, she got on top of her body and yelled, "I want to call the police! You'd better let me go right away! I didn't do anything, Why did you tie me up like this? Do you know it's against the law!"

Wen Rong ignored Xia Xi, opened the door of the secret room and left.

After leaving the secret room, he took out his mobile phone and made a call.

At the same time, film and television city.

A Phantom stopped at the entrance.

In the back seat of the car, when Rao Shixin pushed the door to get out of the car, he did not expect that a gentle palm next to her suddenly grabbed her wrist.She paused, frowned, and glanced at the man next to her, "What are you doing?"

"Are you going to get out of the car?" The man's face was paralyzed with a hint of dissatisfaction visible to the naked eye.

Rao Shixin pursed her lips, "It's all here, if I don't get out of the car, do I have to stay in the car?"

Simply speechless!
Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows, "You forgot one thing."

Hearing this, Rao Shixin was a little puzzled, "Did I forget something?"

"Yes." Liang Feimo nodded.

Just at this moment, his mobile phone rang, so he frowned slightly, took out the mobile phone and saw that it was Wen Rong, so he directly pinched it off.

On the other end of the phone, Wen Rong watched the other party press down the call he had made, and naturally understood something in his heart.

After thinking about it, he decided that it would be better to wait a while before calling.

In the car, after switching off the phone, Liang Feimo continued to look at the girl in front of him.

The girl's long curly hair was scattered behind her back, her fair face was without makeup, and she looked pure without makeup. Especially, the girl's tender lips, which looked like jelly, instantly made his eyes know how much point.

"What exactly is it?" The girl thought for a while, but couldn't figure it out.

Liang Feimo held her bright wrist, couldn't help rubbing her fingertips a few times, then parted her thin lips slightly, "Shouldn't we kiss her if we want to separate?"

Hearing this, Rao Shixin twitched his eyes.She thought about it, thinking that she had left something in his apartment, but after a long time, it turned out that this guy was just playing tricks on her!

At this moment, she felt her heart was about to burst into flames.

Originally, because of the hot search, her mood was affected, so Yang Hui specially discussed with Shen Qinghuan and gave her two days off before coming to the set.

It's just that she is very dedicated, so she gave herself a day off, and then decided to start working on the set.

Last night, she was tortured to death, and she couldn't have a good rest at all. She got up late this morning, and it was almost ten o'clock when she arrived at the set. She didn't expect her to get out of the car, but this shameless man was so embarrassed Ask her for a kiss?


Just so annoyed, she directly shook off the man's palm and said, "If you want to kiss, find someone else."

After finishing speaking, she pushed the door open and got out of the car, and slammed the door shut.

Liang Feimo watched the girl get out of the car angrily, without turning her head back, with faint smile lines on the corners of her eyes and brows.

In the front seat, the driver has been in shock from just now.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Liang, who is usually cold and ruthless, will be like this after he has a girlfriend.

He's a little out of sorts.

(End of this chapter)

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