The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1394 Must find Xia Xi herself

Chapter 1394 Must find Xia Xi herself
Rao Shixin was in a hurry, and wanted to say slow down, but unexpectedly, he was a step too late, and his brother had already hung up the phone.

Listening to the blind voice coming from the mobile phone, at that moment, she doubted whether she was still a member of Rao's family?
If it wasn't for the fact that her parents were gone, she would definitely have to ask carefully, didn't she pick it up from the trash?

Her grandfather didn't love her, her brother hated her, she was really aggrieved as the daughter of the Rao family!

However, no matter how aggrieved she was, she would definitely make Xia Xi feel bad.

She had always been unhappy with Xia Xi, but in the end Xia Xi came to frame her, so she wanted to say this no matter what!

If it wasn't because she was not as capable as her brother, why would she ask her brother for help?

Right now, in order for Xia Xi to get the retribution she deserves, she has to look for her brother even if she looks down.

Of course, since her brother didn't listen to her seriously on the phone just now, she suspected that her brother was busy.

So, she thought about it, and decided to send a wechat message. In this way, as long as her brother finished his work, he would check her wechat at that time.

After making this decision, she clicked on WeChat and started typing.

After editing a large paragraph of text, she read it again and felt that there was no problem, so she sent a message.

After sending it, she waited for a while, but there was no reply.

Looks like it's really busy.

Just when she was about to put away her phone, a message came through WeChat.She was excited, but when she looked at it, she found that it was not from her own brother, but from another man.

Liang Feimo: What are you doing?
Seeing the message, she didn't bother to reply, but the other party sent another video call. She rolled her eyes and refused directly.

When she was done, she changed her phone's ringtone to vibrate, then turned and went back to the tent.

the other side.

After Rao Shichen finished processing a document, he picked up his phone and clicked on the message to read it.

The news was sent by Rao Shixin, a large paragraph of text, all about her being stalked and secretly photographed and exposed and maliciously smeared. Of course, in the end, she marked the name of the messenger Xia Xi in capital letters. , and also attached a photo, the person in the photo is naturally Xia Xi.

Now Rao Shixin just wanted to find Xia Xi, teach him a lesson, and ask Xia Xi to apologize publicly.

Of course, the premise of the above is that Xia Xi must be found.

Rao Shixin was a little suspicious that Xia Xi ran away.If it wasn't because of his brother's ability, otherwise Rao Shixin would not have deliberately asked his brother for help.

After reading a large paragraph of text, Rao Shichen thought for a while, and then forwarded the news to Liang Feimo.

Liang Feimo, who was holding a mobile phone in the office, stared at the screen with a pair of dark eyes.

I sent a video call just now, but was cut off by Rao Shixin, so he dialed it again.

However, after waiting for a long time, he still couldn't wait for Rao Shixin to answer the video call, but he received a message forwarded by Rao Shichen.

After he read the news carefully, a dark light flashed in his eyes.

In the next second, he replied with two words - thank you.

After Rao Shichen received the news, he put down his phone and went straight to work.

At this time, Rao Shixin, who was putting on makeup and changing clothes in the crew, was waiting for filming, and had no idea that she had been betrayed by her own brother.

She thought wholeheartedly that her brother didn't show up at the press conference, and this time she just asked him to use his ability to help a little bit, and his brother would definitely not sit back and ignore him.

As it turned out, she was overthinking it.

(End of this chapter)

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