The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1398 What are these things?

Chapter 1398 What are these things?
"Where are you going?" Rao Shixin was a little puzzled.

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, "You will know when you go."

For this reason, Rao Shixin thought about it and refused, "I won't go."

In her opinion, the man must have bad intentions.

Liang Feimo's face was light, "You want to go."

"?" Rao Shixin thought it was ridiculous.How could he conclude that she wanted to go?

So, she gritted her teeth and said, "I won't go yet."

"Take you to meet someone you want to meet." Liang Feimo directly raised his hand and took Rao Shixin's wrist, leading him into the car.

Rao Shixin was forced to fall into the car just like that.

Following Liang Feimo, he also got into the car, followed by closing the door, and then the car started.

Soon, the car drove onto the road.

Rao Shixin looked a little sleepy looking at the scenery outside the car window.

Not long after, the car stopped in front of a black building.

"Here we are, get out of the car." Liang Feimo opened the car door and led Rao Shixin down together.

After Rao Shixin got out of the car, looking at the black building in front of him and the quiet roads around him, he suddenly felt a little weird.

"Where is this?" Why did she feel a little cold.

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, "My place."


Rao Shixin thought he had heard wrong.

This kind of place is so weird that it belongs to him.

Suddenly, the iron-gray door opened, and a man came out, and that man was Wen Rong.

Seeing that Wen Rong had received the news in advance and learned that Mr. Liang was coming, he immediately came out to greet him.

He hurriedly stepped down, walked to the car, and said respectfully: "Mr. Liang, Miss Rao."

Liang Feimo's clear voice asked, "Where's the person?"

"President Liang, don't worry, the person is inside, and the evidence has been investigated, and she will be punished by law at any time, and everything is subject to President Liang's orders."

Rao Shixin didn't understand a word Wen Rong said.

However, she couldn't understand, but she somehow had a bad premonition.

It's been a few years since they separated, so this man Liang Feimo must have some secrets, right?

Liang Feimo nodded after hearing what Wen Rong said, "Lead the way."

Therefore, Wen Rong immediately led the way.

Rao Shixin was led away by Liang Feimo.

All the way into the gate, there are model guns, model tanks and other things everywhere.

What are these things?
As she took the elevator to the third floor, she was soon led by the man to a place with a closed door.

Wen Rong pointed inside, "Mr. Liang, the person is here."

"Open the door." Liang Feimo ordered.

So Wen Rong opened the door.

As the door opened, Rao Shixin looked inside curiously, only to find a girl controlled behind the rectangular table.

The girl's hands were in handcuffs, her body was being tied up, her face was in a bad mood.

Maybe it was because the door was opened, the girl raised her eyes and happened to collide with Rao Shixin's eyes.

The four eyes met, both of them were stunned for a moment, and then there were various expressions.

Rao Shixin looked annoyed, "Xia Xi! I finally found you."

Ever since she learned in the morning that the person who followed and secretly took pictures of her was instructed by Xia Xi, she wished she could find Xia Xi and give him a severe lesson.

It's all right now, but she was caught.

Xia Xi's scalp was numb, and her forehead twitched.When he saw Rao Shixin and Liang Feimo appearing at the same time, his heart sank.

She knew she was done!

Rao Shixin walked to the table angrily, raised his hand and slapped Xia Xi on the face.

This slap blinded Xia Xi.

When she recovered, she stared fixedly at Rao Shixin.

Rao Shixin naturally glared back angrily, "Did you find someone to follow me and secretly take pictures of me?"

(End of this chapter)

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