The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1407 Bitch Xia Is Holding a Press Conference

Chapter 1407 Bitch Xia Is Holding a Press Conference
Rao Shixin was a little surprised.

If she hadn't forgotten, she had just taught Xia Xi a lesson yesterday.

However, Xia Xi held a press conference today?
She glanced at the man beside her, but the man clasped her slender waist with his palm, raised his thin lips slightly, and said, "What am I doing? Watching TV."

So, she pursed her lips, and then swept her eyes to the TV screen.

On the TV, there were reporters crowded in front of the press conference. As for the people behind the long table, the people who were supposed to appear had not yet appeared.

If it wasn't for Xia Xi's press conference prominently written on the subtitle, otherwise she wouldn't know what it was.

At this moment, her cell phone rang suddenly, it was Yang Hui calling.

You don't need to guess to know what Yang Hui is doing on the phone at this time.

So, she picked up the phone and pressed the answer button. Before she could speak, she heard the other party's excited voice, "Shi Xin, hurry up and watch TV, Bitch Xia is holding a press conference."

"Sister Yang, I already know, I'm watching TV."

"Hey, you have better news than me?" Yang Hui's surprised voice came through the phone.

Rao Shixin glanced at the man beside him, then licked his lips, and said, "Stop talking, I'm watching TV, by the way, tell Director Shen for me, I might not be able to go to the set today."

"Tsk, what did you do last night?" Through the phone, Yang Hui's words rang clearly in his ears, and even the man next to him heard him.

Rao Shixin's ears were a little hot, and he said, "Sister Yang, where are you going? I just suffered from insomnia accidentally last night."

"Xiang, just pretend, how can I not understand you?"

"Okay, hang up, don't talk about it."

Just like that, the phone call ended.

Rao Shixin put down the phone, but the man beside him asked, "Uncomfortable?"

These words gave her a pause, and she was inexplicably ashamed.

But, she didn't want to admit it, so she said, "I just don't want to go to the set, what do you think?"

Liang Feimo raised his eyebrows slightly, and a smile flashed across his dark eyes, as if he knew what she was thinking, but he didn't expose it.

Now, Rao Shixin felt a little unhappy.

She thought, this man must be very proud of himself.

Even though she was dissatisfied in her heart, she just gritted her teeth secretly and decided that she would not let the man succeed in the next few days.

So, she took a deep breath, calmed down, and then watched TV.

On the TV, at the entrance of the press conference, a slender figure stepped out.

The girl wore a peaked cap and a white sportswear, and walked towards the rectangular table with strides.

She hung her head, looking a little haggard under the light.

Looks like he didn't sleep well last night.

Of course, whether Xia Xi is good or not is not worth paying attention to.

The reporters present were taking pictures, and the spotlights kept flickering.

There are security guards at the scene to maintain order.

Rao Shixin looked at the peaked cap on Xia Xi's head so low that he could hardly see his face.

In today's press conference, she already knew what Xia Xi was going to say.

Yesterday, she made a clear request that Xia Xi should publicly admit what she had done, including apologizing in front of the screen.

After all, she is also in the entertainment industry, she didn't kill them all, this is already the greatest tolerance for Xia Xi, of course, if Xia Xi continues to play tricks on her in the future, then she will really be rude.

(End of this chapter)

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