The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1414 She Wasn't Even Touched

Chapter 1414 She Was Not Touched At All
As a result, just as she was taking a step, the old woman in front of her suddenly blocked her way, and said in a low voice, "Jia Nian, you heard from grandma that grandma really knew that she was wrong. I blame grandma for being confused for a while, can you forgive grandma?"

Seeing this scene, Lou Jianian's eyes became more cold, "Lou is sensible, as I said, I don't have a grandma."

"Jia Nian, grandma knows that you are still blaming grandma. Grandma can apologize to you. I just ask you to forgive grandma. After all, we are grandparents." Li Xiangyun looked very sincere.

However, in Lou Jianian's eyes, all of this is just for show.

She was not moved at all.

All along, she has never forgotten what Li Xiangyun did to her. She no longer wants this deformed family relationship.

"Lou is sensible, you are hindering me, if you don't go away, I think I will be rude." Lou Jianian was giving Li Xiangyun enough face.

However, Li Xiangyun was still very cheeky and refused to leave, "Jia Nian, you will forgive grandma only if you tell grandma what to do, me."

She was only halfway through speaking when she suddenly couldn't move.

Lou Jianian tapped twice on the three inches below her shoulder with two fingers, and she couldn't move in an instant, and she was so surprised to see her eyes widen.

At this time, a Maybach came not far away.

Seeing the familiar car, Lou Jianian's eyes lit up, and without looking at Li Xiangyun again, he passed Li Xiangyun directly, walked down the steps, and walked quickly towards the Maybach.

She opened the door and got into the back seat of the car.

Just as the car door was closed, a gentle palm clasped her waist, and at the same time, the man's magnetic and pleasant voice sounded, "Why is that old witch at the door of your company?"

old witch?
Hearing this adjective, Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows and smiled, and glanced at the man beside him.

From the moment they separated in the morning until now, the handsome face of the man appeared in front of him again.

The high-end black suit, white shirt, dark blue tie, exquisite and shining cuffs, expensive watch, all the collocations are not as fascinating as the noble aura that naturally emanates from the man's body.

Lou Jianian's heart beat out of rhythm, took a deep breath, stabilized the fluctuation in his heart, and then said: "She came to find me."

"Looking for you?" Rao Shichen frowned slightly.

"She came to confess to me, what happened back then."

Hearing this, Rao Shichen thought for a while, "Could it be that she has a wrong nerve in her brain?"

Lou Jianian was taken aback for a moment, and smiled unkindly, "Maybe, let's not talk about her, go back."

"Yes." Rao Shichen nodded and told the driver to drive.

So, the car started and left the company.

At the entrance of the company, Li Xiangyun trembled all over, as if the mechanism had been turned on, and she could move in an instant.

She was so surprised that she moved her hands and feet a little.

Seeing that the Maybach just now was out of sight, she frowned deeply.

Although I don't know what Lou Jianian did to make her temporarily lose her ability to move, her whole body is like a piece of wood, unable to move, but Lou Jianian is a medical staff.

She wondered what kind of medical treatment Lou Jianian used, otherwise how would she explain what she did just now.

All this is so strange.

Of course, this is not the point she needs to think about, the point is that she hasn't been forgiven by Lou Jianian yet!
Thinking of this, she fell into a deep depression again.

Next, she will have to come a few more times, no matter what, she must let Lou Jianian no longer have prejudice against her.

(End of this chapter)

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