The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1423 Adds lazy meaning in the morning light

Chapter 1423 Adds lazy meaning in the morning light
Second floor master bedroom.

The sun shines indoors.

On the big bed, the man's deep face added a sense of laziness in the morning light.

Not long after waking up, the man's amber eyes looked at the sunlight coming in from the window, but he didn't intend to get up yet.

After drinking alcohol last night and waking up after a good night's sleep, the man had a headache.

He raised his hand and rubbed his slightly swollen forehead. At this moment, the cell phone beside him rang, and it was an incoming call.

He reached for the phone, glanced at the incoming call, then pressed the answer button, put the phone to his ear, and parted his fickle lips slightly, "What's the matter?"

As his voice fell, the other party on the phone didn't know what to say, but he could only see his brows frowning slightly, and then ordered: "Let him make a report later and send it to my mailbox."

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone, put down the phone, and got up.

It was only seven o'clock in the morning.

The man got out of bed, walked to the terrace, put his hands on the railing, and looked at the scenery in the distance.

The mountains overlap in the distance, the air is excellent, the sky is blue and white clouds, and the sun is not very hot.

In the garden downstairs, the gardeners are busy trimming the flowers and trees.

The whole villa is very quiet.

He has been busy with work for a long time. On weekdays, Leng Qirui rarely has time to stand on the terrace early in the morning to breathe the fresh air and enjoy the morning scenery.

He just stood there looking at it for a while, and then he turned around and went to the bathroom. When he came out again, he walked to the bar, poured a glass of warm water, drank it in one gulp, and then walked out of the room.

Recently, in order to be busy with a project, he went out early and returned late. It didn't end until yesterday, so he can take a rest all day today without going to the company.

Leaving the room, he was just about to go downstairs, but he glanced at the stairs on the third floor inadvertently, thought for a while, and then went upstairs.

On the third floor, there was silence.

The long corridors are spotlessly clean.

Leng Qirui walked towards the children's room with strides, raised his hand and knocked on the door, but there was no sound from inside.So, he grabbed the doorknob and opened the door directly.

The door was not locked, and he was a little surprised. As the door opened, he glanced at the room, but found that the little figure was not there, so he frowned slightly.

Turning around, he went downstairs.

When passing the second floor, I happened to meet Zhang Bo, the housekeeper.

Uncle Zhang happened to be going upstairs to tidy up his room, but he didn't expect to run into someone who had just come down at the stairs.

So he greeted respectfully: "Sir, you are awake."

Leng Qirui looked indifferent, "What about the brat?"

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang replied: "Sir, are you asking where the young master is? The young master is having breakfast in the restaurant downstairs."

"Eat breakfast?" Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows slightly, "Hisself?"

"This..." Uncle Zhang hesitated, but finally shook his head.

Seeing Uncle Zhang's strange expression, Leng Qirui's eyes flashed some indescribable emotion, and the palm resting on the handrail of the stairs subconsciously closed, and after a while, he said coldly, "This boy, it's rare for him to let himself go. Have breakfast, I'll go check it out."

Uncle Zhang stiffened instantly, "Sir, are you going to the restaurant?"

"What?" Leng Qirui glanced coldly at Uncle Zhang, "I can't go?"

"No, of course not." Uncle Zhang waved his hand.

Leng Qirui turned around and walked downstairs.

Behind him, Uncle Zhang was very worried. After thinking about it, he decided to go downstairs first.

(End of this chapter)

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