The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1434 Leng Qirui Pretentious

Chapter 1434 Leng Qirui Pretentious

The smell of fish soup wafts throughout the restaurant.

Leng Qirui could smell the smell of fish soup, but when he looked at the appetizer in front of him, he didn't have any desire to eat it.

So, after taking a bite, he put down the fork, pushed the appetizer away, and said lightly, "Remove."

When Uncle Zhang heard this, he immediately asked nervously, "Sir, is this appetizer not to your taste?"

After all, he was the butler, so he had to figure out what caused the appetizer to be removed.

Leng Qirui said lightly, "The dishes are too bland."

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang said with deep apology: "I'm sorry, sir, I will tell the chef to pay attention next time and never make such a mistake again."

After speaking, he respectfully removed the appetizer.

After removing the appetizer, it is natural to serve the main course.

Today's main course is steak.

As a chef, he has basically mastered the taste of Leng Qirui.

The steak is fried until it is slightly cooked, and paired with red wine, it can be said to be a taste treat.

When Uncle Zhang brought the steak to the table, he said respectfully, "Sir, today's main course is steak."

Looking at the steak, which was aesthetically pleasing both in terms of presentation and taste, Leng Qirui's expression did not change at all.

I saw him pick up the table knife, cut a small piece of steak and put it in his mouth.

On the opposite side of the dining table, the little guy was already full, jumped off the chair, took Nalan Jun's hand with his little hand, and said softly, "Junjun, I want to read."

Nalan Jun was full of tenderness, "Okay, young master, Jun Jun will go to the study with you to read."

So, the senior and junior completely ignored the men in the restaurant and left directly.

Leng Qirui frowned slightly, not sure if the steak was not to his liking or what.He put down the knife, rubbed his forehead with his hand, and said, "Withdraw."

Hearing this, Uncle Zhang was a little anxious, "What's the matter, sir."

"I don't have any appetite, so I won't eat." Leng Qirui took the towel and wiped the corners of his mouth.

Uncle Zhang looked at the almost intact steak on the dinner plate, and asked, "Sir, do you want me to ask the kitchen to cook something else for you?"

"No need." Leng Qirui glanced across the table, where the little guy ate a clean plate, his eyebrows frowned slightly.

Uncle Zhang thought for a while, and could only say, "Sir, if you want to eat, I'll ask the kitchen to make it for you."

"En." Leng Qirui responded with one word lightly, and then stood up.

He just started to leave the dining table, but a thought flashed in his eyes, and then he glanced at the kitchen.

Then, he walked towards the kitchen.

Behind him, Uncle Zhang was a little puzzled, but he still followed.

In the kitchen, chefs and servants are still busy.

After Leng Qirui appeared, everyone immediately stood side by side, folded their hands in front of them, and shouted respectfully: "Sir."

The kitchen is very spacious, the refrigerator is almost as big as one wall, and the Liuli counter is very long, which can accommodate more than a dozen people cooking at the same time.

Since this is the place with the heaviest smell of oily smoke in the entire villa, Leng Qirui seldom steps here.

Today, Leng Qirui suddenly entered the kitchen on a whim, which surprised the servants and the chef, including Zhang Bo, of course.

Leng Qirui looked around with his long legs, and finally his eyes stopped on the casserole on the Liuli platform.

The sweet taste of fish soup wafts from the casserole.

He stepped closer to the casserole, slowly closed the palms hanging by his side, and looked thoughtfully.

At this time, Zhang Bo understood what was very perceptive.

I saw him ask: "Sir, the fish soup in this casserole has just been cooked, and it tastes extremely delicious, do you want to try it?"

Leng Qirui put on a show: "Delicious? Are you sure?"

  Leng Qirui: I just came to see how the kitchen has changed.

  Zhang Bo: Sir, I understand.

  Leng Zimu: This pot is my fish soup!

  Nalan Jun: Drinking the leftover fish soup from my son, can I still gain some face?
  Leng Qirui: Face?If I still want this thing, how can I chase after my wife?

(End of this chapter)

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