The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1441 Rao Yanzhong looks a bit embarrassing

Chapter 1441 Rao Yanzhong looks a bit embarrassing
Right now, Lou Jianian could only comfort the old man first, saying: "It will be fine, Grandpa, don't worry, just sit down first, let's wait for the doctor inside to come out and then hear how grandma is doing."

She helped the old man to sit down on the bench, and held the old man's hand tightly with her small hands.Although she was also worried in her heart, she didn't dare to show it in front of the old man.

Rao Shichen came over and saw that the old man's expression was very bad, obviously he was frightened by what happened just now.He raised his eyebrows slightly, glanced at the closed curtain, and could only wait silently.

After a while, the curtain was lifted and the doctor came out.

The three hurried forward and asked about the situation.

Doctor: "After the patient fell down, he experienced short-term dyspnea, but fortunately, the patient is in good health on weekdays, without high blood pressure and other diseases. We rescued the patient just now, and the condition is not serious now. , but still needs to be observed, and more attention should be paid at home in the future, as people get older, it is easy to fall, fortunately this time it is not serious, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

After the three of them heard the doctor's words, it was obvious that their tense bodies immediately relaxed.

Next, after the doctor gave some instructions, he left.

Because the patient's condition improved, the three of them lifted the curtain and went in to see the old man.

On the emergency bed, Chen Yuhui was plugged into a ventilator, her eyes were opened, it was obvious that she had just woken up not long ago.

Rao Yanzhong's eyes were a little red.I saw him stepping up to the side of the bed, stretching out his hand to hold the slender wrist of the person on the bed, "Yuhui, you're awake."

At this moment, Chen Yuhui's eyes only fell on Rao Yanzhong.She seemed to have understood what was wrong with her, "I remember I fell in the bathroom, did it scare you at that time?"

"I'm scared." Rao Yanzhong nodded, holding Chen Yuhui's hand tightly, "I thought you wanted it."

Speaking of this, he suddenly paused and shut up.

Chen Yuhui smiled, "Silly old man, do you think I'm leaving?"

"I" Rao Yanzhong looked a little embarrassed.

Chen Yuhui sighed, "I'm still reluctant to leave, silly old man, we've only been together for a long time, if I leave now, it won't be worth it, I"

Speaking of this, an old hand suddenly stretched out, and the index finger pressed her lips.

"Don't talk about it, I feel flustered when I hear it." Rao Yanzhong frowned.

Chen Yuhui's eyebrows became gentle, "Okay, then I won't talk about it."

"Are you hungry? Thirsty?" Rao Yanzhong was concerned.

Chen Yuhui shook her head, "Not hungry, not thirsty." While speaking, she glanced at the two young men next to her, "Why are Shi Chen and Nian Nian here?"

At this time, Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian stepped forward and shouted in unison, "Grandma."

"It's late at night, what are you two doing here?" Chen Yuhui frowned.

"Cough" Rao Yanzhong's eyes flickered, "I called to tell them about your fall."

Chen Yuhui scolded: "Tell them what to do? They are young people busy, and I have nothing to do. I just fell down. Am I fine now?"

"I..." Rao Yanzhong sighed in a low voice, "Yuhui, the doctor said that if the fall is serious, the consequences will be disastrous, so don't be careless next time."

"As you get older, how can there be no accidents? I just fell like this once today. I feel fine now. It's too late. You all go back." Chen Yuhui waved her hand, intending to drive away people.

(End of this chapter)

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