Chapter 1443 His Heart Beats Fast
The next day.

The sun shines through the corridor windows into the hospital.

In the emergency room, Chen Yuhui just woke up, and she was still a little dazed.

Rao Yanzhong went to buy breakfast and came back.As soon as the curtain was lifted, he saw the person on the hospital bed staring at the ceiling with his eyes open.

So, he immediately put down his breakfast and walked forward, "Yuhui, you're awake."

Chen Yuhui turned her gaze and landed on him, "Where have you been?"

"Hey, I went to buy breakfast. There are soy milk, buns, and porridge. What do you want?" Rao Yanzhong's face was full of concern.

Chen Yuhui's eyes were gentle, "Whatever you want."

"How about some porridge?" Rao Yanzhong asked.

Chen Yuhui nodded, and then said: "By the way, I haven't washed yet."

"It's okay, I'll get you some water." So, Rao Yanzhong went to find a towel, a toothbrush, a cup and a washbasin, and then came to the hospital bed again.He stretched out his hand to help Chen Yuhui sit up, and helped Chen Yuhui brush her teeth and wash her face.

After finally brushing his teeth, he went to get breakfast.

The porridge is bought nearby, and it is clean and hygienic.

"Last night after the infusion, I must be very hungry now." Rao Yanzhong opened the lid, took a spoonful of porridge, put it on his lips and blew it, and then sent it to Chen Yuhui's mouth, "Eat quickly Bar."

Chen Yuhui looked at the wrinkle in front of her eyes and said, "I'll do it myself."

"What, I'm sorry? You're sick. It's a rare opportunity for me to take care of you. Are you not happy?" Rao Yanzhong teased.

Chen Yuhui was a little embarrassed at first.

It's so hypocritical for someone so old to eat porridge and let him feed him.

However, when Rao Yanzhong said this, she suddenly let go.

The two of them have not been together for a long time, and this time she suddenly fell ill, and it is really rare to have the opportunity to be taken care of.

The old man wants to take care of her very much, so she will follow his wish.

So, she smiled helplessly, opened her mouth, and drank the porridge.

"How? Is it okay? If it doesn't taste good, let's change it to something else." Rao Yanzhong looked serious, as if he was afraid of not taking good care of him.

Chen Yuhui smiled, "There's no need to change it, this porridge is pretty good."

Hearing this, Rao Yanzhong continued to hold the spoon to scoop up a mouthful of porridge, and continued to feed, "If you think it's good, then drink a few more mouthfuls, there are other flavors of porridge in the bag."

Chen Yuhui took his hand and drank the porridge, smiling even more from the corners of her eyes and brows, "This porridge is the best porridge I've ever had."

"The best drink?" Rao Yanzhong was a little puzzled, "I don't think the porridge near the hospital is so good, me."

Speaking of this, something suddenly flashed through his mind, as if he understood.

He blinked and looked at the person on the hospital bed who was looking at him with a smile on his face.

Suddenly, his heart beat a little faster.

"Yuhui, you."

"Stupid old man, don't you understand?" Chen Yuhui smiled and the wrinkles at the corners of her eyes deepened a little.

Rao Yanzhong's hands holding the bowl and the spoon tightened immediately, and at the same time, there seemed to be a touch of heat behind his ears.

This is the first time I have heard love words, and the old man is a little shy.

Chen Yuhui reached out and grabbed his white wrist, "It's the porridge you fed, it's delicious no matter what."

"As long as you like it." Rao Yanzhong bowed his head, a little embarrassed.

At this time, outside the curtain, Rao Shichen and Lou Jianian came.

When the two of them appeared, what they saw was the intimate appearance of the two elderly people in the emergency bed, and they were stunned for a moment, feeling that it was not the right time to come.

(End of this chapter)

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