The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1468 Netizens are scolding Lou Shuyu

Chapter 1468 Netizens are scolding Lou Shuyu

Sang Ye nodded, "Well, if Mr. Lou wants to go, I can lead the way."

"Okay then, wait until after get off work."

The two of them said so.

After Sang Ye left, Lou Jianian opened his lunch, and when he was about to eat, he suddenly remembered something.

She picked up her phone and sent a wechat message to a certain man in advance.

Lou Jianian: I have something to do at night, so you don't need to pick me up.

Rao Shichen: What's the matter?

Unexpectedly, not long after the message was sent, the other party replied, and Lou Jianian continued typing.

Lou Jianian: I want to go to a place with Sang Ye.

Rao Shichen: Don't come back too late.

Lou Jianian: Got it.

At this point, the chat ends.

She put down her phone, ate lunch, and checked Bei Xiao's new song "Tomorrow's Fire" online.

Unexpectedly, in just a dozen hours, Bei Xiao's song has already reached No.1 on the new song list, and the downloads have already reached millions. This year's fans are really awesome!

Holding the mouse in her hand, she clicked on the comments and read them. All the comments were in support of Bei Xiao.

Of course, a large number of netizens mentioned Lou Shuyu in it.

She looked carefully at the comments and found that netizens were scolding Lou Shuyu.

Seeing this, the corners of her lips twitched slightly.

Sure enough, the more famous Bei Xiao became, the more Lou Shuyu would be cast aside by everyone.

Lou Shuyu's fate today was all created by herself.

After reading the comments, she launched the webpage, and then looked at the trend of Lou's stock.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door of the office, followed by someone coming in.

She thought that person was Sang Ye, but unexpectedly it was Jing Chen.

Jing Chen was wearing a white coat, which made his skin look even paler.He wears gold-rimmed glasses and his comic eyes are wide open.

He entered the office, closed the door, and walked directly to the desk, "Tsk, Lou Jianian, I found you."

Lou Jianian raised her eyebrows, "What do you want from me?"

"My old man has been discharged from the hospital." Although Jing Chen came to Lou Jianian's office for the first time, he didn't bother to observe the environment, but propped his hands on the table, leaned slightly, and said, "You must help me. "

Lou Jianian leaned back on the seat, folded her arms around her chest, and raised her eyebrows, "How can I help?"

"The old man is forcing me to find a girlfriend now, where can I find it?" Jing Chen said, he simply pulled away the chair in front of him, sat down on his buttocks, and continued distressedly: "Besides, a girlfriend like me As a doctor, you are busy with patients every day. How can you have time to fall in love? The old man is looking for trouble for me, so you must help me. "

Lou Jianian thought for a while, and said: "Actually, it's not unreasonable for the old man to be anxious. Think about it, your Jing family only has a single heir from your lineage. The old man is already 80 years old this year, so he is naturally anxious about your personal problems. some."

"Come on, he's so old and stubborn, forcing me to find a girlfriend to marry all day long. I'm still young, how can I step into the grave of marriage in advance? Besides, I may not have any plans to get married in this life, so the old man is anxious. What's the use? He's getting old anyway, so why can't he just relax and eat and drink every day?" Jing Chen scratched his hair irritably when he mentioned this.

Lou Jianian persuaded him patiently: "As people get older, they will inevitably yearn for a full house of children and grandchildren. Jing Chen, we will also grow old one day. The old man wants you to get married because he wants to hold his great-grandchildren, and he doesn't want to see you alone. Yes, although you are young, you are not too young, right? You may not consider marriage for the time being, but there is no reason not to even plan to fall in love? It’s just a relationship, it shouldn’t be difficult!"

(End of this chapter)

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