The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1473 Who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie

Chapter 1473 Who is telling the truth and who is telling the lie
The boss took the snuff bottle suspiciously and looked at it for a while, then gritted his teeth and said: "This is not my snuff bottle, mine is the real one, and it is absolutely impossible to fade."

"Yo, it won't fade? Then why does this one fade? You just don't want to refund the money so you use this kind of lie to deceive people. Let me tell you, I don't accept this kind of trick!" The pig-headed man had a fierce look on his face.

The boss trembled with anger, "You you you"

"What are you? You'd better give me my money back, or I'll find the person in charge here and seal up your stall." The pig-headed man threatened.

When the boss heard it, he almost fainted out of breath.

There are certain rules in the underground market, that is, if you sell fake goods, then after verification, the stall owner will never be allowed to sell in this market.

The pig-headed man said he wanted to find the person in charge. If the incident was verified and it was found that the boss did not sell fake goods, then the boss could continue to operate. Of course, if it was found out that the stall was selling fake goods, then the stall would never belong to him in the future.

The stalls in the underground market are clearly divided, as long as the boss loses this stall, the next boss will immediately occupy it.

Since this pig-headed man said he wanted to find the person in charge, he must have some relationship with the person in charge.

Sure enough, after the pig-headed man finished speaking, the person in charge of the market came.

I saw a man wearing cotton and linen clothes, about 50 years old, with a small beard, walking with a fleshy face, "I am the person in charge here, what happened?"

As the person in charge appeared, all the customers present surrounded him.

Lou Jianian, who has been standing still and witnessing all this from just now, also became a little interested in the dispute between the pig-headed man and the boss.

Beside, Sang Ye followed Lou Jianian silently.

The person in charge appeared, and the pig-headed man immediately complained first, saying: "You are the person in charge, right? I just bought a snuff bottle from him for 18 yuan. I didn't expect to find this before I left the market. The snuff bottle will fade, and I wondered if this faded one is a fake? So I asked him to refund the money, but he refused to accept it. You have to comment on this matter."

The boss was very angry when he heard it, and retorted: "That's not the case. The snuff bottle I sold is real. I asked him to look at it carefully several times. I said that it was a snuff bottle from the Kangxi period, and it was genuine."

"You don't come here, what is it from the Kangxi period? I bought it only because I believed your nonsense. I thought it was impossible to sell fake products here, but I didn't expect to fall here once. I am a layman. If you look I know if there is a history of snuff bottles, why should I come here to buy them?" The pig-headed man sounded very real.

For a moment, the people present couldn't tell who was telling the truth and who was telling the lie.

The person in charge stroked his mustache and said, "The two of you present evidence, and whoever's evidence is convincing will prove that what he said is true."

The pig-headed man's eyes flashed, and he immediately picked up the snuff bottle, "The boss and I have only touched this snuff bottle from now on. The boss said that the snuff bottles he sells are real. With fingerprints, you can know whether I bought this snuff bottle from him."

Hearing this, the boss almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

He raised his hand and pointed, "Aren't you kidding me? I've already taken the snuff bottle just now. Of course it has my fingerprints on it."

(End of this chapter)

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