The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1479 Isn't 5 money money?

Chapter 1479 Isn't 50 money money?

When Rao Shichen saw the landscape painting in her hand and the Four Treasures of the Study in the brocade box, he raised his eyebrows slightly, "This is."

"This painting is for grandma, and I plan to give this set of four treasures of the study to grandpa." Lou Jianian had a smile in his dark eyes.

"You went out tonight to buy these?" Rao Shichen looked at her.

"Yeah." Lou Jianian compared five, "These cost a total of 50 yuan, isn't it a good deal?"

Rao Shichen sighed in a low voice, "Am I like the kind of person who needs to save money?"

At these words, Lou Jianian was stunned, "Saving money?"

"If I'm not mistaken, these should add up to more than 100 million. You just want to save more than 50 tonight, and you didn't come back until this time?"

Lou Jianian was a little speechless.Isn't 50 money?
Oh no, for a man like him who can sign a contract of hundreds of millions in minutes, 50 is really nothing.

However, tonight's landscape paintings and the four treasures of the study were all spent on her own money.

After thinking about it, she said, "You mean to pay for me?"

Rao Shichen paused slightly, "It's not impossible to pay the bill."

"?" Lou Jianian raised his eyebrows, with doubts in his eyes.

"But you went so late and left me alone at home, so what should I do?" Rao Shichen's words were somewhat dangerous.

Lou Jianian glanced at the time, then fell silent.

It was already 11 o'clock, and she drove to the underground trading market with Sang Ye after get off work. She didn't expect that it took so many hours to come back.

So, the man waited for her from dinner to now?
For a moment, she felt a little guilty.

"Hey, I'll pay more attention next time."

Rao Shichen frowned, "Is there a next time?"

"!" Lou Jianian licked his lips, "No more."

"It's almost there."

Lou Jianian smiled, held the man's fingertips and rubbed them a few times, then said: "You played the piano very well, play it again?"

Without saying a word, the man put his hands on the keys and started playing the piano.

The pleasant piano music came out smoothly, adding a touch of romance to the night.

It was already mid-August, and it was still hot during the day, but at night, the temperature had obviously cooled down a little.

Outside the glass wall, a bright moon hangs high in the sky.

In the hall, Lou Jianian was listening to the piano played by the man, with tenderness on the corners of his eyes and brows.

Until the end of the song, she couldn't help but leaned over and pressed a kiss on the man's handsome face, "It's great!"

The man's body froze slightly, feeling the soft touch around his cheeks, so his eyes brightened.In the next second, he directly grabbed the girl's slender waist and pulled her into his arms. At the same time, he pinched the girl's chin with his palm, and his thin lips fell forcefully.

The evening wind blew outside, the flowers and plants were playing with the wind, and the temperature in the hall was gradually rising.

After a long while, Rao Shichen withdrew his thin lips, stared at the person in his arms, and said, "Actually, the gift that grandpa wants most on his birthday should be a surprise."

"Surprise?" Lou Jianian just recovered, when she heard this, she looked at the man with puzzled eyes.

"Grandpa wants a great-grandson." Rao Shichen said, and his palm fell on Lou Jianian's abdomen, "However, this surprise should be a bit difficult so far."

Lou Jianian's eyes flickered slightly, and he fell into deep thought for a while.

During this period of time, although the two of them were not very active in that regard, they were not lazy either.

So far, she still has no news at all.

(End of this chapter)

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