The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1482 Especially the position of the heart

Chapter 1482 Especially the position of the heart

Hearing this, Nalan Jun frowned slightly, a little puzzled.

"I hope you will always be clear about his identity." Leng Qirui's words were somewhat ruthless.

Nalan Jun was taken aback for a moment, and immediately understood what it meant.I saw her small hands tightly pinching the hem of her clothes, and some uncomfortable emotions fermented in her heart.

Is this man reminding her not to easily expose the fact that she is the child's mother in front of the child?

To be honest, she gave birth to the child, how could she not tell the truth to the child?

Of course, now is not the best time for her. The child is still young, only four years old. In the future, she will continue to work as a servant in Leng's house and accompany the child until he reaches adulthood.

During this period, in order to let the child grow up happily, she is unlikely to tell the child that she is a mother, but if the child becomes an adult and can bear better by then, she should choose to tell the child.

However, all of the above were plans she had made before entering Leng's family as a servant, but now the man suddenly reminded her to remember the identity of the child's young master, just to let her stop delusional attempts to tell the child the truth.

But why?
She felt a little unwilling.

You must know how difficult it is to conceive a child, and how much hardship she had suffered before she was able to give birth to the child smoothly. The pain of pregnancy in October and childbirth in the twelfth grade was not experienced by him, and he did not understand it at all.

Furthermore, the child co-existed with her in her womb, the feeling of being connected by blood, how could he, a big man, be able to experience it?
So, there was a hint of alienation and coldness between her eyebrows, "What are you talking about, sir? I don't quite understand."

Leng Qirui closed his eyes, his expression was a little unpredictable, "Why bother?"


Why bother?
Nalan Jun felt that the only thing that hadn't changed about this man was that in terms of communication, he was still so annoying.

Just when she was thinking this way, the man suddenly said, "You clearly know what I'm talking about, don't you?"

She paused and was quiet for a while.

However, in the next second, she couldn't help but said: "If the husband doesn't make it clear, how will I know?"

Leng Qirui's amber eyes stared at her through the two steps, his expression was somewhat unpredictable, "My son really wants a mother."

Hearing this, Nalan Jun's body was a little stiff, and then he saw the man step up the steps with long legs, and stood at the same position as her.

This time, she was forced to look up at the man.

The man was a head taller than her, looked at her, and said coldly: "Of course, I will find a mother for my son, so you just need to do your duty as a servant and take good care of my son." , When I get married someday, when my son has a mother, you, a servant, will naturally not have to continue to be responsible for these things."

Nalan Jun felt as if his brain had been struck by lightning!
He wants to find a stepmother for her son?
Thinking that her son would call another woman to be his mother in the future, she suddenly felt as if her heart had been hit hard, and her heart ached.

Seeing that she didn't respond, Leng Qirui coldly withdrew his gaze and said "Remember what I said." Then he walked upstairs.

Until the sound of the man's footsteps disappeared, Nalan Jun still stood there, holding his collar tightly with his small hands for a while, feeling uncomfortable all over his body, especially the part of his heart.

How could her son call another woman to be his mother?

(End of this chapter)

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