The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1484 Breathing Has Been Difficult

Chapter 1484 Breathing Has Been Difficult

Therefore, even if she felt a little unwell, she still insisted on getting up to take care of the little guy's diet and daily life.

She had planned breakfast since yesterday evening.

So, she started to prepare breakfast.

Uncle Zhang watched from the side, always feeling that something was wrong.

Madam doesn't look very good today?

Nalan Jun prepared all the ingredients for breakfast, and then started cooking.

A breakfast should not only be nutritionally balanced, but also have a cute shape, so that the little ones will have an appetite.

After being busy for about an hour, she finally prepared the breakfast.

After finishing, she left the kitchen and went upstairs.

Now in the entire Leng family, only she has the right to go upstairs freely, and no other servants are allowed.

When she passed the second floor, she was about to step up to the third floor when suddenly the door of the master bedroom not far from the corridor was opened.

As the door opened, she raised her eyes subconsciously, and collided with the man's eyes.

The man was wearing a light gray suit, a tie of the same style and a white shirt, the collar buttons were tightly fastened to the top, his handsome face was clear and serious.

Unexpectedly, he would run into a man when he went upstairs, Nalan Jun felt a little regretful.

However, she had already met her, so she could only respectfully say, "Good morning, sir."

Her tone was indifferent and alienated, without any emotion.

After a night's sleep, Leng Qirui's charming face appeared to be in great spirits.Because it was morning, he had just woken up not long ago, and he didn't feel as cold as usual.

Standing at the door, his generous hand was still on the door, and when he glanced at the girl who was not very far away from him, some deep thought flashed through his amber pupils.

In the next second, his deep and bewitching voice responded softly like a cello, "Yes."

Following this light answer, he stepped out of the room, closed the door at the same time, and went downstairs.

It wasn't until after the figure of the man disappeared that Nalan Jun's eyes flickered slightly, and then he stepped up the stairs.

The third floor, children's room.

On the bed, the little guy just woke up, his hair was a little messy, and his face was [-]% similar to Leng Qirui's, with the coldness after waking up.

He was sitting on the bed, clutching the quilt with his small hands, his brows were slightly wrinkled.

It wasn't until the door was gently pushed open that his displeased eyes swept away, and when he found that the person he liked to see appeared at the door, his eyes became brighter, "Junjun!"

Nalan Jun, who opened the door and came in, moved very lightly. He was afraid of waking up the sleeping little guy, but unexpectedly, the little guy had already woken up.

The moment she saw the little guy, a smile appeared on her face, "Young master, you're awake."

While talking, she opened the door and walked in, sat down beside the bed, raised her hand, and smoothed the little guy's messy hair.

The little guy's fleshy face was immature, and he grabbed Nalan Jun's hand with his small hands, "Junjun, I'm dreaming."

"What dream did the young master have?" Nalan Jun asked gently.

The little guy frowned deeply, "I dreamed that my father brought me a mother back."

Hearing this, Nalan Jun's body stiffened slightly, his eyes flickered a few times unnaturally, and he didn't know what to say for a while.

At this moment, the little guy lowered his head, looked a little unhappy, and said, "Junjun, why don't I have a mother?"

Nalan Jun's heart seemed to have been gouged out, and it became difficult to breathe.

(End of this chapter)

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