The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1498 I feel a little moved inexplicably

Chapter 1498 I feel a little moved inexplicably

"Fever?" Leng Qirui finally frowned.

Uncle Zhang sighed, "The doctor came and said it was a fever. If the fever continues like this, it will be very serious, and it may be life-threatening."

"What?" Leng Qirui's cold voice obviously added anxiety.

"However, the doctor told me that it was a good thing that I called him in time, and he had already prescribed the medicine. As long as the medicine is finished and the medicine is taken on time, there will be no big problem."

Zhang Bo exaggerated his condition just now, the purpose was to test Mr.

Sure enough, when it comes to life-threatening, the husband is a little anxious.

After all, he is the butler of the Leng family, so Zhang Bo naturally knows a little about his husband.

It seems that his guess should be right, the husband is not so cold to his wife on the surface!
Pretty decent.

Leng Qirui's face darkened slightly, "Uncle Zhang, speak clearly from now on."

"Sorry, sir, my expression was wrong." Uncle Zhang admitted his mistake sincerely.

Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows slightly and asked, "Where is she?"

"Junjun is in the young master's room." Zhang Bo paused, then asked again: "Sir, do you want to go and see?"

Leng Qirui's eyes flickered slightly, and his expression showed a cold arrogance, "A servant is sick, should I still go to see it?"

Zhang Bo: "."

"I left a document at home this morning. I'll drive back to get it." Leng Qirui said with a blank expression, and walked into the villa.

Behind him, Zhang Bo complained in his heart.Sir, can you be any more fake?

Leng Qirui walked upstairs, wandered around the study before coming out.Outside the door of the study, Zhang Bo was waiting respectfully.

Therefore, when Leng Qirui opened the door of the study, he saw Uncle Zhang.

Suddenly, he was silent for a moment, and said, "The documents are not in the study, I'll go to the bedroom to have a look."

Uncle Zhang pretended to be worried, "Sir, are the documents important? Do you need me to look for them together?"

"No need." Leng Qirui dropped two words, and walked towards the bedroom.

Unexpectedly, Uncle Zhang followed behind.

Leng Qirui closed the door after entering the bedroom, waited inside for a while, then reached out and took a document from the table before opening the door.

Outside the door, Uncle Zhang put on a very anxious expression, "Sir, have you found the document?"

"Well, maybe I left it in the bedroom and forgot to take it in the morning." Leng Qirui checked the documents in his hand.

Uncle Zhang breathed a sigh of relief, "That's good."

Leng Qirui looked at his watch pretendingly, "It's only 12:[-], what is that kid doing?"

"Sir, it's like this. The young master is accompanying Junjun in the children's room." After Zhang Bo finished answering, he could already guess the next question in his mind.

"Oh?" Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows, "The kid actually gave up the child's bed to the servant?"

Uncle Zhang sighed lightly, "Junjun had a fever, and originally slept with the young master, but the young master woke up and found that something was wrong with Junjun, so he hurriedly asked me to call the doctor."

"This kid knows how to care about her. Anyway, it's still early, so I'll go and see this brat first." After speaking, Leng Qirui left the bedroom, walked down the corridor, turned around and walked to the third floor.

Uncle Zhang tactfully sees through without revealing.

On the third floor, after Leng Qirui came to the children's room, he stood at the door and looked inside, then he was stunned.

In the room, I saw the slender figure of the girl lying on the bed, the back of her white hand was being pricked with a needle, and the bed was hung with a potion.

Next to him, the little guy was lying on the side of the bed, with a cold face, looking at the person on the bed without blinking.

This picture is actually a little warm.

Zhang Bo stood outside the door, feeling a little moved inexplicably.

It's just that he doesn't know how the husband will feel in his heart?
The mother and the young master, the wife and the young master, were so devoted to each other, it was inevitable for an old man like him to cry when he saw it.

It would be great if the wife and the young master could recognize each other.

(End of this chapter)

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