The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1501 Don't trust him so much?

Chapter 1501 Don't trust him so much?
Leng Qirui stood up, raised his hand to wipe off the water stains from the corner of his mouth, his whole face exuded charm.

On the bed, Nalan Jun's lips glowed with moisture.

After drinking the water, she finally fell asleep obediently and did not continue to murmur.

The glass of water is already empty.

Leng Qirui put down the water glass, stared at Nalan Jun's lips, and a strong dark light appeared in his eyes.

Her lips are still so soft.

Thinking of how he used another method to feed her water just now, his amber pupils flashed strangely.

In the next second, he raised his hand, and his fingertips landed on the girl's face, stroking lightly, his movements were very gentle, as if he was treating a rare treasure.

The girl's sleeping face was peaceful and beautiful, maybe the fever had subsided, and the abnormal redness on her face had also disappeared.

His fingertips slid down the girl's face until it landed on the girl's soft lips.

Gradually, his body leaned slightly, and at this moment, the door was pushed open.

Hearing the sound, he immediately withdrew his hand and straightened up at the same time, his eyes coldly swept towards the door, and only when he found that small body, he frowned slightly.

When Leng Zimu pushed open the door, he saw the person standing by the bed with a cold face, very displeased.

Soon, he trotted to the side of the bed, lay down on his stomach and looked at the unconscious person on the bed.

Seeing that his body was still intact, his tense mood immediately relaxed.

But in the next second, he looked dissatisfied at the tall figure standing in front of him, and clenched his little hands tightly.

Leng Qirui did not expect that the little guy would come up again within half an hour after going downstairs.

Is that why you don't trust him?
There was movement at the door, and Uncle Zhang appeared panting.

In the hall just now, Uncle Zhang wanted to persuade the young master to continue painting and not to go upstairs, but he didn't expect that the young master got up and ran to the stairs before he said anything.

After all, the young master is a child, so he can run faster than an elderly man like him.

By the time he reached the third floor, the young master had already entered the children's room.

I don't know if the young master's surprise has disturbed Mr.

After thinking about it, he still said apologetically, "Sorry, sir, I can't stop the young master."

Leng Qirui naturally knew what kind of temperament his son had.So, he waved his hand, "Go down."

"This..." Zhang Bo was a little worried.

He didn't dare to leave, after all, there were often conflicts between the big and the young.

What if the husband and the young master quarrel when he walks away?
So, he stayed where he was, entangled to death.

Leng Qirui seemed to be dissatisfied, "Uncle Zhang!"

Suddenly being called out like this, Uncle Zhang paused slightly, licked his lips, and had no choice but to say, "I'm sorry, sir, I'm going down now."

After speaking, he left.

Leng Qirui withdrew his gaze, glanced at the small body in front of him, and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"I want to take care of Junjun myself." Leng Zimu's eyes were firm, and he deliberately straightened his back when he spoke.

Leng Qirui sneered mockingly, "You?"

"What are you laughing at?" Leng Zimu frowned, very angry.

"Even you need to be taken care of, and you still want to take care of others?" Leng Qirui's words were heartless and shocking.

Leng Zimu was stimulated, "I will take care of Junjun."

"Oh?" Leng Qirui raised his eyebrows, "Why are you so determined to take care of her? Don't tell me, you like her?"

(End of this chapter)

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