The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1503 Leng Qirui's complexion is black

Chapter 1503 Leng Qirui's face turned black

Nalan Jun felt like honey had been smeared on his heart, very sweet.

I didn't expect that during this period of time, I developed feelings for the little guy, and the little guy cared about her so much.

Knowing that she was sick, she didn't dare to leave for a moment. No wonder she always felt that there was someone beside her in her sleep, and it seemed to be the little guy without a doubt.

Also, it's no wonder that the little guy who always likes to draw in the morning suddenly said that he wanted to go to bed. It turned out that he saw that she was not feeling well, so he deliberately tricked her to come upstairs to sleep together.

No, while she was asleep, the little guy immediately asked the housekeeper to find a doctor to see her.

The little guy was so kind to her, for a moment she just wanted to spoil the little guy even more.

When she thought so in her heart, she subconsciously pushed her hands to get up.

However, when she just made a move, suddenly one big and one small asked nervously: "What are you going to do?"

The words in unison stunned all three of them.

She didn't expect that the freshmen and juniors would ask this unanimously, and she was a little confused.

Leng Qirui and Leng Zimu looked at each other after asking the same words.There was disgust in each other's eyes, as if they felt that the other was learning how to speak.

The atmosphere is a little bit weird.

Nalan Jun narrowed his eyes, looked up, and said, "I want to sit down."

Hearing this, Leng Qirui and Leng Zimu came forward together, trying to help Nalan Jun sit up.

Nalan Jun's eyes flickered slightly, and he coughed lightly, "I can do it myself."

The little guy is so small, he must not have enough strength, how can he help her to sit up.

Without saying a word, Leng Qirui directly supported Nalan Jun's waist with his palm, and supported her back with the other hand, helping her to sit up.

On the side, Leng Zimu gritted his teeth and also helped, but after all, he was small, so he couldn't really help.

Nalan Jun felt the gentleness of the man's palm, and his heart beat wildly for a moment.

Fortunately, after the man helped her sit up, he backed away.

Leng Zimu felt a little emotional.He felt that at this moment, he couldn't help Junjun to sit up.

The little guy swears in his heart that he must eat more from today, so that he can become a strong person.

Nalan Jun felt a little weak all over.Probably because of illness, the whole person is also a little weak.

Leaning against the edge of the bed, she whispered to the man, "Thank you sir."

As soon as these words came out, the man's body paused slightly, and his face turned cold.

Leng Zimu held Nalan Jun's hand tightly with his little hands, and his little face was full of concern, and asked, "Junjun, does it hurt?"

"Huh?" When Nalan Jun faced the little guy, there was only a gentle smile on his face.

This picture fell into Leng Qirui's eyes, and for a while, Leng Qirui's expression became colder by several degrees.

Leng Zimu said softly, "Does your head still hurt?"

Hearing that the little guy was so anxious about his situation, Nalan Jun shook his head and comforted him: "It doesn't hurt anymore, Jun Jun has been given some medicine and feels much better. By the way, is it the doctor that the young master called Jun Jun?"

Leng Zimu nodded, "Yes."

"Thank you, young master, Junjun is very touched." Nalanjun said, then raised a hand, and embraced the little guy's soft body.

However, the little guy took advantage of the situation and lay on her lap, and said softly, "Junjun, I will marry you when I grow up."

Hearing this, Nalan Jun was stunned for a moment, and then he couldn't laugh or cry.

Leng Qirui's face darkened.

Did this brat do it on purpose?
To say such things to his woman in front of him?


(End of this chapter)

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