The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1515 Leng Qirui is finally full!

Chapter 1515 Leng Qirui is finally full!

"Miss Zhong." As soon as the elevator door opened, Cai Xi saw Zhong Ruohan coming out of it.

So, he immediately called out respectfully.

As usual, Zhong Ruohan always had a smile on his face every time he came to Leng's.

"Secretary Cai, long time no see." Zhong Ruohan painted delicate makeup on his face, and looked radiant, as if he had something happy to do.

"Yes, Miss Zhong, I haven't seen you for a long time." Cai Xi didn't know what happy event Ms. Zhong had, and the corners of her eyes and brows were full of joy.

Zhong Ruohan walked up to Cai Xi with graceful steps, and asked, "Is Qi Rui in the office?"

"Yes, Mr. Leng is still in the office." Cai Xi had a polite smile on his face.

Hearing that Leng Qirui was still working, Zhong Ruohan felt excited.

In the morning, she made an appointment with him to have dinner together in the evening. It seems that he has not forgotten, otherwise, how could he have been working in the office until now?

You know, every time she came to Leng's during this period, Leng Qirui had basically left.

Realizing that he was probably waiting for her on purpose, her eyes lit up.

"Secretary Cai, thank you. I'll go in and see Qi Rui."

After saying this, she walked towards the office.

Cai Xi was taken aback, wondering if he should go in and report to Mr. Leng first?
However, Mr. Leng has already asked him to leave work.
At this time, in the office, Leng Qirui held the phone, and after some hesitation, he finally clicked on WeChat.

Soon, he found Uncle Zhang in the address book and sent a message.

After sending the message, he began to wait for a reply.

Uncle Zhang, who was waiting at the dining table in Leng's villa, noticed a message coming in from his mobile phone, so he took it out to have a look.

Leng Qirui: What is that brat doing?Have you eaten?Still with that woman?
After reading the news, Uncle Zhang glanced at the picture of one large and one small happily eating dinner at the dining table, feeling a little complicated for a while.

Sir, you want to know how your wife is doing, right?
Thinking of this, he planned to hide it, but after thinking about it, the husband clearly cared about his wife, but why didn't he just come back to see his wife?
Unless, sir is having dinner with Miss Zhong right now?
Suddenly realizing this, he frowned. After thinking about it, he simply picked up his phone, took a photo secretly, and sent it over.

The wife and the young master are having dinner, and the picture is very harmonious. If the husband saw it, he would definitely be depressed, right?
Uncle Zhang didn't know, his guess was completely correct.

Leng Qirui on the other side of WeChat received the photo from Uncle Zhang, and his face instantly turned dark.

In the photo, I saw the girl with long hair tied up, wearing white short sleeves, slender swan neck, extremely white complexion, with a smile on her eyebrows, looking at the little guy beside her very gently.

The little guy smiled brightly, as if there were stars in his eyes.

The dining table was filled with all kinds of delicacies. The girl and the little guy were eating, and both of them had happiness on their faces.

This photo made Leng Qirui's chest feel heavy and he almost had a heart attack.

After a while, he took a deep breath and put down the phone.

I thought that the woman would feel sad because he hadn't come home yet, but now it seems that the woman didn't have any thoughts at all.

In the morning, when Zhong Ruohan said that he was invited to dinner, she should have heard it, so, did she not care at all?

Leng Qirui who hasn't eaten dinner is finally full!

(End of this chapter)

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