The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1518 Leng Qirui's face is ugly

Chapter 1518 Leng Qirui's face is ugly
on the highway.

A luxurious car drives in it.

When the lights came on, the entire city of Los Angeles fell into confusion.

In the driver's seat, Leng Qirui had a cold face, and he was controlling the car with his slender hands, exuding a seductive aura all over his body.

A sky-high mobile phone was thrown on the passenger seat.

From now until now, Leng Qirui would look at his phone every once in a while while driving.After discovering that there was no incoming call, the whole person looked even more terrifying.

He pursed his thin lips tightly, stepped on the gas pedal fiercely, the car circled around Los Angeles for half a circle, and finally stopped at the entrance of the Regal Bar.

After the car stopped, he opened the door and got out of the car, and stepped into the bar.

As he stepped in, someone greeted him immediately.

Because he usually comes a lot, the manager in the bar immediately recognized him as a distinguished guest.

Gao Kai was still wondering why not many distinguished guests came tonight, but he did not expect one to come now.

I saw him approaching people with a smiling face, "Mr. Leng, welcome."

"I want a private room." Leng Qirui's face was ugly, "I'll have another dozen of wine."

Gao Kai's eyes lit up, "Okay, Mr. Leng, please come with me."

With a dozen drinks, I have to earn seven figures tonight.

Just thinking about the turnover, he immediately cheered up.

Leng Qirui followed Gao Kai's lead and came to the box.

He was obviously in a state of low pressure tonight, and the waiters in the bar could tell.

Emperor Zun's service was very thoughtful, and within a short while, a dozen drinks were delivered.

Leng Qirui waved away the manager and the waiter, then picked up a bottle of wine, raised his head and killed them directly.

The wine slid down his lips to his Adam's apple, and under the bright lights, his face added a bit of charm.

After a bottle of wine was finished, his expression became more and more gloomy, and the next second, he threw the empty wine bottle in his hand directly against the wall.

An expensive wine just ended its fate.

Leng Qirui clenched his palms, grabbed the phone and looked it over, then clicked on WeChat, and sent a message to Uncle Zhang.

The text he edited was very simple, only one sentence.

Leng Qirui: What is that woman doing?
Not long after the message was sent, Uncle Zhang replied.

Zhang Bo: Sir, madam, she is playing games with the young master.

I don't know if Uncle Zhang mentioned the word "wife" on purpose.

Because of this title, Leng Qirui's face became even colder, and his thin lips were pursed tightly.

play games?
This woman actually still wants to play games?

Did she really not know that he was having dinner with other women tonight?
very good!
Leng Qirui and Shen Han narrowed their eyes, and then edited the message.

Uncle Zhang, who was in Leng's villa, was staring at his phone, wondering if he should feel sorry for his husband!

The wife obviously doesn't care about the husband at all, but the husband deliberately creates the illusion that the wife thinks that he is going out with other women. Can the husband be more naive?
If you really care about your wife, why not take action?
Uncle Zhang has already seen his husband's mind very well.


The news came again.

Leng Qirui: Tell that woman that Zhong Ruohan and I are having dinner.

Seeing this, Uncle Zhang suddenly didn't want to speak.

However, he is the housekeeper after all, so he must do as the master wishes.

Just then, another message came.

Leng Qirui: Don't let her know that I told you to say it.

Zhang Bo, who is already getting old, is really a little embarrassed.

He took a deep breath, looked at his wife who was playing games with the young master in the hall, and thought flashed through his eyes.

In the next second, he stepped forward and picked up his phone.

(End of this chapter)

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