The almighty young lady is beautiful and explosive

Chapter 1623 Gives a graceful and luxurious temperament

Chapter 1623 Gives people a graceful and luxurious temperament
Behind him, the man looked at the charming back of her going away, and there was a gleam in his eyes that was bound to win.

Just as Rao Shixin left, Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang came behind.

Just after entering the banquet, Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang were immediately surrounded by some politicians and businessmen.

One by one, another flattery staged again.

After all, Mrs. Liang is someone who has experienced big scenes.

Tonight's banquet is mainly to celebrate the birthday of the Rao family's old man, that is, the future in-laws, so Mrs. Liang doesn't want to waste any more time chatting with these hypocritical people.

So, with a few words, she dismissed the group of people.

Mr. Liang is old after all, and he was not in good health before. He has been recuperating for a while recently, but he seems to be a bit energetic.

Tonight, Mrs. Liang dressed up very luxuriously.I saw that she was wearing a light blue evening dress, her hair was coiled up, and she was holding a small square bag in her hand. Just standing there gave people a graceful and luxurious temperament.

Of course, Mr. Liang is also well dressed.The old man also made a special arrangement today. He came in a white suit and held a brown cane in his hand.

The white suit sets off the old man's radiance.

After dismissing the group of sycophants, Mrs. Liang soon noticed her son sitting at the round table sipping wine.

"Oh, Dad, where is Feimo." Mrs. Liang pointed in the direction.

Mr. Liang swept his gaze, "Why is this kid alone? Where's Shi Xin?"

"Yes, why didn't you see Shi Xin? Why don't we go and have a look."

"Go, I'm going to take a good look."

Just like that, Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang came to the table.

Mr. Liang touched Liang Feimo who was tasting wine with his cane, and then hummed, "Stinky boy, why are you here alone? Where's Shi Xin?"

"That's right, son, why haven't you seen Shixin?" Madam Liang hasn't seen Rao Shixin for a long time, and she was thinking about meeting the goddess and future daughter-in-law Rao Shixin at the birthday banquet tonight. .

Liang Feimo said with a paralyzed face, "Shi Xin went to see grandpa."

Hearing this, Mr. Liang and Mrs. Liang looked at each other, and felt relieved.

The two thought that Liang Feimo was not with Rao Shixin.

Soon, Mr. Liang still couldn't help but make a point, and said, "Boy, tonight is Grandpa Shi Xin's birthday, remember to behave well."

"That's right, your grandpa is right, Feimo, you must work harder tonight, Grandpa Shi Xin is also our family's future in-laws, no matter what you do, you have to show your sincerity, so that Grandpa Shi Xin can rest assured Let Shi Xin marry our family." Mrs. Liang said earnestly.

Liang Feimo twisted the wine glass, shook it lightly, parted his thin lips slightly, "Got it."

Perhaps because of this cold attitude, Mr. Liang was a little dissatisfied, and then hummed softly: "If you can't successfully marry Shi Xin into the family, then you don't want me to recognize you as a grandson."

Mrs. Liang coughed softly to appease the old man, "Dad, don't worry, Fei Mo must know what to do."

"Huh, look at his attitude, he is cold and cold. If the old man of the Rao family is not satisfied with you, I will immediately drive you out of my Liang family, so as not to upset me when I see you." Mr. Liang's eyes are full of dislike.

Mrs. Liang was too emotional, so she said, "Dad, there are a lot of people here, let's talk about what we have to say later."

(End of this chapter)

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